Apr 202010

Yesterday I felt like something the cat forgot to bury.  Today, so far, is the same.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

I tried, but could not focus enough to finish.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Times Online: GOLDMAN SACHS, the world’s biggest investment bank that is now assailed by accusations of fraud, is poised to reignite controversy over bankers’ bonuses by paying its staff more than £3.5 billion for just three months’ work.

Does the image of a runaway locomotive speeding toward a train wreck come to mind?


Have a good one.


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/20/2010”

  1. That’s $5B US, in case you don’t have a calculator. Even they know the end is near. Now they are in trouble for not disclosing that the got a Wells Notice – notice that the SEC is investigating them – all the other banks who got them – BofA, Shittygroup, and my personal fav, Chase, all disclosed in their 10K. Analysts are bullish on the stock but they haven’t been downgraded yet, much to my dismay.

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