Poll Results – 4/16/2010

 Posted by at 2:26 am  Blog News
Apr 162010

Here are the results of the Stimulus Poll.


And here are your comments.

From Dan on April 1, 2010 at 9:40 am


As a small business owner myself, if I can catch a little (tax) break and lets say I hire an employee @ $40,000, and he nets me (my company) $70,000, I consider that a win-win-win situation…

He/She’s employed and earning $$$, my company makes more money, and then I pay taxes for government junk… I may catch a break, but still the gov’t gets their cookie from me and my new employee…

Everyone is happy!!!


From Infidel753 on March 31, 2010 at 12:46 pm


Re-educating workers is critical in a society where technological change is evr more rapid, and low-skilled jobs will probably continue to decline even in boom times.

Tax breaks for new hires will have the most immediate effect.

Green energy is a field which will grow more rapidly than we expect, and we’ll need the results it produces.


From Kevin Kelley on March 31, 2010 at 11:48 am


I chose R and D, Green energy, and infrastructure. These three are important because these three fields are what America has allowed to slip from their grasp. Our infrastructure is outdated and crumbling, our energy is dependent on fossil fuels (with oil from foreign nations), and we lack research and development in newer technologies. The lack of all three are causing a tremendous economic burden to Americans and the government.

I voted for the top three, but all are important tools, except the GOP choice I included.

There is a new poll up in which you get to pick for the GOP’s biggest lie.  That is a herculean challenge.


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