Two Must See Videos

 Posted by at 1:45 am  Politics
Apr 142010

Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman discuss the Nuclear Summit, and Rachel Maddow interview Elizabeth Warren about the failure of TARP to reach Main Street, as intended.  First Keith:

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Although I still oppose his Afghanistan policy, Obama did more for world peace yesterday than Crawford Caligula did in eight years.

Now Rachel:

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While TARP helped $167 thousand homeowners, $3 million were foreclosed.  That’s a success rate of less than 6%.  Banksters are making huge profits investing the money they were supposed to use to help homeowners.  Why?  Timothy Geithner chooses not to use the tools he has to enforce TARP.  Is it any wonder that I want Obama to fire Geithner and hire Warren in his place?


  11 Responses to “Two Must See Videos”

  1. Good job on the nukes Obama – he is right, it is a terrorist threat to have that much nuclear material out there – especially the Russians where it is not secured properly.

    Elizabeth deserves to slam the banks – they have not held up their part of the bargain, even with incentives. Assholes.

  2. You converted me to Elizabeth Warren months ago TC, she is a tremendous advocate for the public, the sooner she has real power the better.

  3. Obama is doing something his predecessor never did: being a LEADER and a President who is EARNING his paycheck! Obama has done more good and accomplished more for our foreign relations and standing in the world in his first 1 1/4 years in office than Bush did in two full terms! At this point in Bush’s tenure, all that useless moron had done was have several extended ranch vacations, allow our country to be attacked because he had ignored intelligence briefings, gave unneeded tax breaks to billionaires, and started an unnecessary, expensive, and illegal war in Iraq. NO COMPARISON!

    Gotta love Elizabeth Warren. Her head and heart are DEFINITELY in the right place!

    • Jack you described the SHRUB in a nutshell, now how do we convince the rightwingers Obama is ten thousand times the leader Bush could have ever dreamed of being!! Some even go as far as saying they MISS BUSH!!! GAG…

    • Jack, you pontificate so well. πŸ˜‰ 100% on,

  4. Thanks for posting these videos TC. I haven’t had the time to watch much news this week and I also missed these shows. I am really interested in hearing how the GOP reacts to this summit and Obamas initiatives. They would be wise not to be negative about this!

    Elizabeth is a smart smart woman. and does need more power as Holte said!

    • Sue, the GOP response is to claim that he is weakening America by making us beholding to foreigners. They are also claiming that the hydrogen atom summit logo is a Muslim crescent.

  5. Great vidsTom. Thanks man!

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