The MLK Memorial

 Posted by at 1:43 am  Personal, Plus
Apr 142010

MLK If you’ve read the ‘About Me’ page here, you know that, during the sixties, I was an activist for Civil Rights and against the Vietnam War, was heavily involved in MLK’s Vietnam Summer, was present at two of his greatest speeches, and actually met Dr. King on several occasions.

A memorial for this great American is under construction in Washington, DC.  Yesterday I received an email from Lowell Dempsey.  It was actually a second email.  I did not receive the first due to my computer crash last week, or if I did, I lost it in the shuffle of rebuilding my computer.  I consider it too important not to share it in its entirety,

Hi again Tom

I sent you an email last week and I didn’t hear back so I wanted to try you again. I’m reaching out to ask if you would help spread the word by posting about the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial on Politics Plus. This month of April marks the 42nd anniversary of the death of Dr. King and we are commemorating his life and work by creating a memorial in our nation’s capital. The Washington, DC, Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial will honor his life and contributions to the world through non violent social change.

I’ve put together this micro-site to help get the message out – there are videos, photos, banners, and even a web toolbar that, when used, donates money to the creation of the memorial:

After many years of fund raising, the memorial is only $14 million away from its $120 million goal. If you are able to post or tweet about this please let me know so I can share it with the team. If you have any questions please pop me an email. And if you are able to help, thank you so much.


Lowell Dempsey,

Twitter @mlkmemorial

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity"

–Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You probably also know that I do not ask for money, not for me or for anyone else, because I want Politics Plus to be about truth, not finances.  However, I will say that, in spite of poverty, I made a small donation.  I would encourage to at least spread this around.

Thank you.


  4 Responses to “The MLK Memorial”

  1. Done. He deserves it for all the hard work that he did for civil rights alone, not to mention the inspiring speeches.

  2. Thanks so much Tom! We really appreciate you taking the time to help spread the word about Dr. King’s memorial. Best of luck to you and Politics Plus!

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