Apr 142010

Yesterday, I replied to comments and that’s about all.  I was late to my doctor appointment because bus #1 was 10 minutes late, and bus #2 was over 5 minutes early.  GRRRR!!  I had to wait over an hour for the doc to squeeze me in.  Feeling tired out, I rested.  Don’t expect much today, because I co-facilitate a therapy group for dormer prisoners.  The therapist with whom I have been working retired last week for medical reasons, and this will be my first week working with her replacement.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:40.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Newshounds: Fox News would rather interrupt President Obama’s news conference than let its viewers miss a moment of Glenn Beck. After all, he might come up with a new way of calling the president a socialist racist who is destroying our country.

Can you believe that the actually did that?!!?

From Public Policy Polling: Only 28% of voters in the country say they approve of the current direction of the GOP with 51% disapproving. Even among voters who identify with the party just 54% say they like where it’s headed. It’s predictable that Democrats would give it very low marks but even among independents just 18% think the Republicans are headed in the right direction while 49% dissent.

That’s a 28% idiocy rate.

From Daily Kos: According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, the vast majority of Americans do not perceive that they have received a tax cut from President Obama. Asked if the President “has already raised taxes this past year,” 53 percent of those polled said that the President has “kept taxes the same,” and 24 percent think that the President has “raised taxes.” A mere 12 percent believe that the President has cut their taxes.

This is an astonishing level of misunderstanding. The truth is that the major tax cuts enacted in the 2009 economic stimulus bill actually reduced federal income taxes for tax year 2009 for 98 percent of all working families and individuals. These tax cuts saved working families and individuals an average of $1,158 on the tax returns they will file by April 15.

The GOP just keeps repeating the lie that Obama increased their taxes, when the exact opposite is true.


Happy hump day!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/14/2010”

  1. I don’t put anything past Fox – they’d sell live babies on TV if they could get away with it.

    Independents are going to be key in November – if they don’t like where the Repubs are going, they’ll vote them out.

    Do people actually look at their paystubs and see that they got more money than before. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m assuming that these people have a brain.

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