Thank You Tina Fey!

 Posted by at 2:55 am  Plus, Politics
Apr 132010

After a very intense lead story yesterday (Please read, if you have not.), here’s something light.  Wave at cousin FatCat. πŸ˜‰

Doesn’t Tina do a wonderful job channeling Mooseolini, The tweeting tundra twit?


  9 Responses to “Thank You Tina Fey!”

  1. I would advertise on that channel. Pet rocks are about to make a comeback and i want to be in on the ground floor. Left you a wordy response to yesterdays post.

  2. I saw this yesterday and it is hilarious. The tundra twat would actually think she could get away with this too! Perfect!

  3. All right! I was glad to see her back as the dits. I am going to watch that, thanks!

  4. She does a better Palin than Paling!

  5. Reposted this at my place Tom, with attribution of course. Thanks. It made me smile.

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