Apr 132010

Yesterday I kept up with comments and returning visits.  I did a little visiting too.  I could have done more, but I’ve been going nonstop since I got my computer back, and I’m tired.  Don’t expect much today, because I have medical appointment and need to do some preparation for co-facilitating tomorrow’s group.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:25.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: No, Hillary Clinton will not be President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

That could have been interesting.

From McClatchy DC: China on Monday indicated for the first time that it might back new U.N. sanctions against Iran, giving a significant boost to President Barack Obama as he opened a 47-nation summit called to energize global efforts to prevent terrorists from obtaining materials for use in a crude nuclear weapon.

However we deal with Iran, without China’s cooperation, It won’t work.

From NY Times: The Senate on Monday agreed to consider a temporary extension of unemployment benefits after four Republicans joined Democrats in voting to debate the proposal, which has become the focus of an intensifying fight over deficit spending.

Four Republican senators — Scott Brown of Massachusetts, George V. Voinovich of Ohio and Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe of Maine — joined Democrats to overcome the legislative standoff that had resulted from Mr. Coburn’s objections last month.

Finally!!  Brown has surprised me a couple times this week.


What’s up this week?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/13/2010”

  1. I’m glad Hillary is not in the running for a SCOTUS seat – she would turn out to be more conservative than I would like.

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