Apr 122010

Yesterday, I replied to comments, returned visits, and visited the bottom half of our blogroll.  Yesterday is a slow one, so I have only one article for you today, but it’s a good one.  There are no Short Takes today.

Jig Zone Puzzle: Today it took me 3:45.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/12/2010”

  1. That cartoon is so true!

  2. Spot on … as they say. It’s to cry over…

  3. Karzai will also have to learn how to beat women a lot better than that if he wants to join a Christian Fundamentalist group. Come to think of it, is there any difference between the Taliban and Christian Fundamentalists?

    • Well, both are extremists who twist religious doctrine to exercise control over others. There’s nothing wrong with Islam or Christianity. But extreme fundamentalism in both religions is the problem.

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