Apr 112010

Yesterday I spent most of the day catching up.  I replied to comments aand visited the first half of our blogroll.  I hope to visit the second half today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:11.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Alternet: The good news for Democrats in Michigan’s 1st Congressional District is that they already have another Democrat, Connie Saltonstall, who has announced she will run for the seat of Bart Stupak, who is retiring. The bad news could be that she’s a progressive running who was running as a pro-choice alternative until Stupak decided to drop his reelection bid this morning. An unstoppable conservative Democrat in a conservative, GOP-leaning district, Stupak had a hold on the MI-01 that the Democrats will be hard-pressed to maintain now that he’s gone.

Independent analysts agree: Stupak’s district will be a tough one for the Democrats to hang on to in November.

While I would hate to lose the seat, and would have favored even β€˜coat hanger’ Bart over an even more rabid Republican, at least Saltonstall gives Michigan voters a real choice.  We should support her.

From Science: In an unusual last-minute edit that has drawn flak from the White House and science educators, a federal advisory committee omitted data on Americans’ knowledge of evolution and the big bang from a key report. The data shows that Americans are far less likely than the rest of the world to accept that humans evolved from earlier species and that the universe began with a big bang.

Evolution has a major problem in that close examination of Teabaggers demonstrates that devolution may be more correct.  As for the big bang, you know the GOP will hate that idea, unless it’s in a kinky nightclub. 😈


ARGH!!  Football, you’ve been gone too long.  Happy Sunday!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/11/2010”

  1. GAD TC~! Always nice to read I’m living in a country that is considerably more stupid than the rest of the ‘civilized world’….. geesh. Yes, devolving is the word. It’s happened before… look at Egypt / Summer. πŸ™

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