Apr 102010

Yesterday I did catch up on replying to comments and returning visits.  Today I hope to stay up to date and do some additional visiting as well.  Politics Plus now has a Facebook page.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:14.  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Common Dreams: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled a planned trip to Washington next week for President Barack Obama’s 47-country nuclear security conference.

He made the decision after learning Egypt and Turkey intended to raise the issue of Israel’s assumed atomic arsenal at the meeting, a senior government official said on Friday.

Israel is believed to be the only nuclear-armed power in the Middle East, but has never confirmed or denied it. It has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Of course the GOP is cheering over this, because they hope Israel will nuke Iran.  Most nations favor a nuclear free Middle East.  Netanyahu does not want to have to defend Israel’s refusal to bring their nuclear weapons program under the supervision of the AEC.

From Raw Story: Polish president’s plane crashes in Russia; reports say 87 dead

Officials say a plane carrying Polish President Lech  and his wife has crashed in western Russia and that at least 87 people have been killed.

Was he Europe’s closest analogue to GW?

From Daily Kos: Hahahaha. The teabagger network giveth more hilarity: a new Fox News poll shows that more Americans have a favorable view of the IRS (49%) than of the tea party movement (36%).

It’s not just that people don’t know what the tea party movement is. The net favorable rating (favorable minus unfavorable) of the IRS is +11% (49%/38%) compared to +2% for the tea party movement (36%/34%).

What a blow to Teabuggery!  They couldn’t even beat Infernal Revenue in an audience of Faux Noise sheeple!


Have a great weekend!


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