Apr 032010

ACORN is gone.  The smear campaign that cause the demise of a fine public service organization that did more to help the poor every year than Republicans have in the last century was based on GOP lies, parroted by the GOP Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.  Rachel Maddow did an excellent job exposing this issue, the GOP climate-gate lies, and a host of others as well.

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  4 Responses to “Rachel Maddow Debunks GOP/Fox Propaganda”

  1. I love Rachel – she and Keith say it like it is. However, now that Acorn is dead, that report will go nowhere sadly and the Repubs will not be called out for their lying. The party of No and Lies is quickly shooting itself in the foot.

  2. I was thinking… if ACORN is gone, with smaller organizations picking up where ACORN left off, the right will lack a centralized target, making it harder for them to make baseless accusations, and costlier. That way, the wrongdoing of volunteers in one location may not adversely effect the public perception of another…

    It is sad how the conservative smear campaign did ACORN in, but the right may have done more harm then good to their own cause…

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