Apr 032010

Yesterday I was tied up doing volunteer work at home, so I did not get any visiting in, nut I did keep up replying to comments.  I still have lots of volunteer work to do, so I’ll just have to see what the day brings.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:15.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: One Republican urologist outside Orlando has stirred up a tempest by suggesting that they do. A sign hanging this week in the office of Dr. Jack Cassell clearly states a preference for patients who agree with his opposition to the president, and to the recently passed health care overhaul.

“If you voted for Obama,” says the taped-up sign, “seek urologic care elsewhere.

There must be a new oath for GOP physicians: The Hypocritical Oath.

From Daily Kos: Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 3/29-31. Likely Voters. Margin of Error 4%. (No trend lines)


Sen. John McCain 52

J.D. Hayworth 37

It’s interesting to note that Arizona’s tea party groups have stated neutral.  This shows that McConJob must have a high enough Teabuggery coefficient to satisfy them.


What’s happening this weekend?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/3/2010”

  1. Being a physician, I was very disturbed by Dr. Jack Cassell’s despicable sign. In fact I emailed a complaint to his County Medical Society.

    While there was a lot of chatter on lots of blogs about revoking his license for his hateful display, I am of the opinion that it could constitute an actionable offense as Medical Abandonment.

    For Medical Abandonment to occur according to legal definitions, basically three things had to occur
    [1] Caregiver accepted an assignment, i.e., had established a doctor-patient relationship
    [2] Caregiver did not provide acceptable notice before terminating
    [3] Caregiver did not allow for reasonable arrangements to be made for providing care

    I think the sign in and of itself, its wording (posted for ALL to see, including established patients) and timing fit the criteria of Medical Abandonment to a degree it should at least be investigated – and I so shared with his County Medical Society.

    One can download a formal Complaint Form from the Florida Dept. of Health
    But I strongly suspect you have to have some type of legal standing (be his patient or close relative) to file it.

    But anyone can share their thoughts w/ his County Medical Society – they have an easy fill-in the form. (And they told me they’d get back to me w/ a response … but I’m not holding my breath.)


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