Apr 012010

Yesterday I caught up on replying to comments, before I went to do my volunteer work, co-facilitating a therapy group.  On the way home, I purchased a new bed.   I had no time for visiting.  Today I have some volunteer work to do at home, but should still have time to catch up on visiting.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:29.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: A Lebanese man sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia on charges of witchcraft is due to be beheaded this week.

Welcome to Saudi style Teabuggery.  This is an excellent argument for the separation of church and state.

From McClatchy DC: In another pointed challenge to President Hamid Karzai, Afghan lawmakers Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected his attempts to take control of the independent election panel that uncovered widespread fraud in last year’s presidential vote.

What a joke!  Karzai, more than any other factor, was the reason I changed my support for to opposition to the war in Afghanistan.  Our association with his government can only foster enmity to us from the Afghan people.

From Think Progress: Yesterday, the University of Washington held a debate about the constitutionality of the recently passed health care reform bill. The Seattle Times reports that none of the panelists at the debate argued that the bill was unconstitutional because the organizers of the event couldn’t find any law professors who held that view.

What a wonderful illustration this is, of just how absurd the GOP position is!


Happy GOP Day!


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