Apr 012010

April Fools

Gotcha!! Come on now.  Teabaggers would NEVER assassinate Traitor Joe.  He was committing Teabuggery before the Teabagger movement was first brewed. 😈


  8 Responses to “Breaking: Teabaggers Assassinate Joe Lieberman!”

  1. Maybe his Connecticut home is near a rising river and hopefully his boat has no paddle.

  2. Joe doesn’t need April 1st to be in the fool column.

  3. TomCat,
    I thought you had a scoop there—I must admit you had me going for a moment with that headline! I agree with Holte Ender.

  4. Your headline was actually believable, aside from the April Fools part of it. The way those teabuggerers turn on each other over the tiniest disagreement, everyone is fair game no matter how rightwing they might be. A lot of ‘baggers have turned on Dick Armey because he’s “too liberal.”

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