Teabaggers and Socialism

 Posted by at 2:38 am  Politics
Mar 312010

Lincoln Mitchell has written a fascinating piece on the fixation that the Tea Party Peons and their GOP masters have with Socialism.

Teabaggers_ThenandNow A recent Bloomberg National Poll confirmed what was already apparent, that the Tea Party movement has an intense hatred for anything they, or their leaders, deem to be socialist while both appreciating and wanting more government support for programs they like and, of course, not really understanding what the term socialist means. The Tea Party movement has a long, if perhaps not so distinguished pedigree, as fear of socialism has been a tool by powerful economic forces in the US for more than a century used to oppose any policies which might help poor and working people.

For over a hundred years the US has been characterized by a consensus dread of socialism while continuing to enact enormously popular policies that are essentially social democratic in nature. Health care reform is only the most recent example of this type of legislation which also includes Social Security, veterans benefits, Medicare, head start, food stamps which have become particularly popular in this economic downturn, and various other programs, subsidies and tax incentives.

In recent decades socialism, even among many of its advocates, has evolved into social democracy which seeks to take the edges off of the injuries of capitalism without substantially changing the system itself. Most of the industrialized world, including the US, learned in the first half of the last century that the only way to sustain capitalism was to rein it in somehow through providing support and protection for citizens. The social programs that were enacted in the US during the 1930s, as well as those in subsequent decades have always been quite popular. Americans, like Europeans and others, appreciate government safety nets, public projects and other benefits. The primary difference is that in the US, we have become very comfortable with elements of social democracy, although we still have far fewer of these than most wealthy industrialized countries, while we remain virulently opposed to the word "socialism" or even the phrase "social democracy."

Of course, using government resources to levy taxes and provide services including defense, infrastructure, education, economic incentives and programs is not socialism. It is governance. In America socialism is the bogeyman that is wheeled out from time to time to oppose programs that are viewed as too big or too costly, but even that is not entirely accurate. Defense buildups throughout the last decades have infused enormous amounts of money, through lucrative and often wasteful government contracts, into the economy, transferring hard earned tax dollars into profits and jobs, but nobody really calls that socialism

In the US the term socialism is only used to describe some programs. Programs that seek to help big businesses through tax incentives, even waiving taxes entirely, particularly by state and local governments, are referred to as being pro-growth. Programs that help mostly middle class Americans such as veteran’s benefits, social security and Medicare are viewed as government service delivery. However, programs that seek to help the poor, such as the health care bill, are referred to as socialist. Thus socialism for the middle class is not questioned; and socialism for the wealthy is often viewed as a necessary economic strategy, while programs to help the poor are presented as dangerously subversive. There is, of course, a high degree of hypocrisy in this view, but it reflects how the right wing has largely succeeded in framing this.

Accordingly, it is much easier to mobilize Americans against the idea of socialism, rather than the policies themselves. It is almost certain that most of the Tea Party demonstrators who are so against health care reform because they view it is socialism would be demonstrating even more passionately and actively if they were told that the government was going to do away with Social Security or Medicare because of a need to balance the budget.

The specific irony about the movement against the health care reform bill is that the passion and red-baiting was directed against a bill that was not only the kind of legislation that should have been popular among moderate, pro-market Republicans, but that similar legislation was supported by pro-market Republicans. It is one thing to call President Obama and the Democratic Party socialists because, you know, they like helping poor people and community organizing. Making these attacks against the likes of Mitt Romney or George H.W. Bush, would be unequivocally nutty, but both of these Republicans supported very similar legislation in the past… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Socialism and capitalism are purely economic terms.  They have nothing to do with their underlying political systems.  Both can operate in totalitarian regimes.  Nazi Germany was totalitarian capitalism.  The USSR was totalitarian socialism.  Both can also operate in free societies.  Switzerland is free capitalism.  Sweden is free socialism.  Neither exists in pure form.  In pure capitalism, wealth gradually concentrates in fewer and fewer hands until the vast majority of citizens no longer have the means to purchase goods and services.  In recent years, conservatives removed the restraints that kept capitalism in check, and unless balance is restored, our economy will suffer that fate.  In pure Socialism, there is no incentive for entrepreneurs to innovate, leading to a slow death of the economy through stagnation.  This is what happened to the Soviet Union.

Healthy economies are a balance of the two, having elements of both.  Some things are best socialized: police, military, libraries, firefighting, and health care, for example.  Some things are best capitalized: entertainment, technology, household services, and manufactured goods, for example.

The point is, people need to be educated so that they recognize that the right’s ongoing outcry is nothing but a fear tactic with no basis in reality.


  14 Responses to “Teabaggers and Socialism”

  1. The Republicans are happy to let their supporters be ignorant of the benefits of a mixed economy, even the Republican politicians themselves (most of them) are advocates of it. But there has to be somebody to vote for them, and their base thinking everything the Democrats do is socialist, or worse, is a way the Republican Party appears to be relevant.

    • Holte, the one qualifyier is that the socialism in the mixed economy must benefit the rich only, while the middle class and poor are stuck with free enterprise.

  2. The final blurb from Huffington was particularly interesting. I traveled through Russia a few years ago and had to feel bad for a once proud, culturally rich nation that had been ravaged by both extremes – beaten first by unrestrained fascist socialism and blistered second by unrestrained fascist capitalism. Freedom reigns in neither.

  3. It is dangerous to have these demented and clueless teabaggers out walking around armed and free. They’re like a swarm of buzzing and angry bees, and this variety isn’t making honey, either!

    • Isn’t it ironic that, given their hatred for all things African, that their group personality so resembles African killer bees?

  4. There’s a distinction between socialism and Communism, too. The Soviet Union had Communism — state ownership of the means of production, not just socialist programs to re-distribute wealth like Sweden has.

    People call Obama a Marxist or Communist as well as a socialist. This would be true only if he intended to nationalize all the factories and farms in the US as government property and make all their employees government employees — a completely absurd suggestion.

    In theory it might be possible to combine democracy and Communism — have a freely-elected government which owns all the means of production — but in practice that doesn’t seem to happen.

    In fact, it seems that socialism is not a path to Communism, it’s more like a vaccine against Communism. The terrible abuses and exploitation of workers under the unconstrained capitalism of the 19th century could have led to a Communist revolution here, like in Russia, had it not been for the socialist measures enacted at the behest of unions, the New Deal, etc., to make the system more humane and give everyone a stake in making it work.

    • Infidel, Communism is actually the theoretical end-state of socialism. After people supposedly learn to abandon greed in a socialist society, the state supposedly withers away leaving a communist society in which all people voluntarily contribute according to their abilities and receive according to their needs. No communist government has ever existed. It has had varying degrees of success in small communities, but is not feasable on a larger scale.

      • I’ve never met any self-described socialist who would agree with that. Maybe Communists do — I wouldn’t know.

        • That’s because today’s self described socialists, like Bernie Sanders, aren’t really socialists. They are Social Democrats. Self described Communists of the century past were the true socialists. Our differences are only about the terminology. You were going by popular usage. I was going by actual definition, in which Communism is a stateless society, and Socialism is a society in which the state owns all means of production and administers all economic activity, supposedly for the common good.

  5. If there is one thing the teabaggers are not, it’s educated. Half the time they don’t even know what they are protesting. Sad, really.

  6. I am an educator. I have had students of all stripes grace my classes. Once in a while there is a tea bag type. In most cases, 10 weeks later, they prefer coffee….It is all about education. Great post Tom.

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