Mar 312010

By the time I got home from my doctor appointment, I was cold, tired, and wet, so all I accomplished yesterday was to keep up with early morning comments.  I learned that I do have fairly severe sleep apnea and will probably need to use a BIPAP device. :-(  Today is my volunteer day with the therapy group, so expect me to fall further behind.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:31.  To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Washington Monthly: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) told a crowd at a Duluth, Minn., rally over the weekend that there is no evidence that several black lawmakers were harassed by conservative protesters on Capitol Hill in the days leading up to the health care reform vote.

If you believe she didn’t see the same video of it that I have, email me about that bridge for sale.

From NOW Blog: Insurers agree that if they provide insurance for a child, they must cover pre-existing conditions. But, they say, the law does not require them to write insurance for the child and it does not guarantee the “availability of coverage” for all until 2014.

William G. Schiffbauer, a lawyer whose clients include employers and insurance companies, said: “The fine print differs from the larger political message. If a company sells insurance, it will have to cover pre-existing conditions for children covered by the policy. But it does not have to sell to somebody with a pre-existing condition. And the insurer could increase premiums to cover the additional cost.”

I told you they would find loopholes.  This is why hearth care is too important to leave decisions to corporations so greedy that they will happily kill clients to save a buck.

From Newshounds: The first installment of Fox News Channel’s "Real American Stories" hosted by Sarah Palin airs this Thursday night at 10pmET, preempting "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."

If Mooseolini is the star, I wonder if Bullwinkle will be the costar.

From Think Progress: Yesterday, as a part of a two-day trip to the United States, French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke to students and faculty at Columbia University. At one point in the speech, the French President lauded the United States for passing a health care bill that extends coverage to millions of uninsured, welcoming our nation to “the club of states who don’t turn their back on the sick and poor”.

European Conservatives seem nothing at all like the Repuglicans.


Happy Hump Day!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/31/2010”

  1. Michele is so crazy that I can’t believe that people listen to her, much less vote for her. The woman needs anti-psychotic meds stat.

    Insurance companies are just vile; we need a public option just to put them in their place.

    Sarkoszy is not my favorite guy; he wears platforms in order to be taller than his wife and makes her wear flats all the time; but, hey, I’m not married to the asshole, so whatever. Be conceited and petty all you want.

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