Mar 302010

Yesterday I caught up on some chores and volunteer projects, but I did keep op with comments, return visits, and do some outside visiting.  I decided to forego my grocery run, due to severe weather.  Today I have a doctor appointment and plan top do the grocery run on the way home.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:13.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: According to the poll, 47 percent agree with the Republican strategy and want Congress to repeal most of the major provisions in the bill and replace them with completely new proposals. But 50 percent are fine with the current law or want Congress to go back and pass something that would increase the government’s involvement in health care even further.

The more time passes, the more this will improve.

From Daily Kos: Norman Leboon, a Philadelphia man who says he is "son of the god of Enoch" and claims to have recorded 2,000 videos in which he made threats, has been charged with threatening to kill Rep. Eric Cantor.

The GOP is making an attempt to lay this at the door of the Democrats, the old ‘See? Both sided do it,’ argument.  The rest of the story is that this guy also threatened Obama.  I see him as an ‘equal-opportunity’ wing-nut, but if he must be pegged, the religious overtones of his wing-nuttery pushes him to the right-wing.

From Alternet: Nine members of an anti-government Christian militia were charged with plotting to attack police in Michigan, an indictment unsealed Monday said.

Prosecutors say the Hutaree militia planned to kill a member of law enforcement and then attack the funeral to provoke a response by law enforcement.

I’m not going to play the GOP game of trying to blame the GOP for this, unlike the GOP response to the last short take.  These religious fanatics are too far out.  They go beyond Teabuggery.

Keith Olbermann is back.  Here are his Worst Persons.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

O’Lielly is a perfect example of GOP family values.


Have a great day!


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