Mar 302010

The GOP attempt at “See?  We have one too!” has been a gift that keeps on giving, providing not only multiple examples of GOP hypocrisy, but also, a treasure trove of side-splitting humor.

GOP-logo-stripper A spokesman for the Republican National Committee says the committee is investigating a nearly $2,000 expenditure at an L.A. nightclub that regularly features topless dancers, and asking the staffer who spent it to return the money.

"We are investigating the expenditure in question," said the spokesman in a statement. He also pushed back against the original Daily Caller story, which in detailing the spending, said, RNC Chairman Michael "Steele travels in style."

"The story willfully and erroneously suggests that the expenditure in question was one belonging to the Chairman. This was a reimbursement made to a non-committee staffer. The Chairman was never at the location in question, he had no knowledge of the expenditure, nor does he find the use of committee funds at such a location at all acceptable," he wrote. "Good reporting would make that distinction crystal clear. The committee has requested that the monies be returned to the committee and that the story be corrected so that it is accurate."

Late update: The Daily Caller pegs the person who spent the money as one Erik Brown of Orange, Calif. Brown owns a direct mailing firm and has tweeted about hanging out with Steele. (Here’s the cached link. Brown’s Twitter account was deleted today.)

And, according to the Caller, Brown’s firm has done work for Steve Poizner’s California gubernatorial campaign, to the tune of $10,000.

Neither Brown nor a spokesperson for Poizner immediately returned a request for comment… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

This was more than just a topless club.  It’s specialty is depicting lesbian bondage.  There is pressure on Steele to resign.

Rachel Maddow and Ana Marie Cox covered this and other Steele failures in some detail.

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Now, why am I, a lefty blogger, supporting Michael Steele?  The more donors’ contributions the RNC spends depicting homophobic GOP values in lesbian bondage clubs, the less they will have to spend promoting violence against Democrats.  The more inefficient and wasteful the RNC remains, the lest effective they will be at doing the one thing that will damage this country more than any other thing they could do: getting Republicans elected.  The more hypocrisy the RNC displays, the more voters can see that voting Republican is only an option for fools.

Stay right where you are, Michael Steele!  You’re doing a heckuva job, just like Brownie.


  27 Responses to “Michael Steele Should NOT Resign”

  1. Just like Brownie, pretty soon Steelie will resign, citing the need to spend more time with his family, if his wife lets him back in the house, unless she approves of him attending bondage nightclubs.

    • Holte, I don’t think so. After this, he knows his employability is in the toilet, so he’ll hang on. Another staffer was just fired over this.

  2. I don’t think that Steele was there but whomever reimbursed that expense is a dumbass.

  3. The GOP has certainly gone amuck. They must be scared about something –

  4. Steele is the ideal RNC chair, and he personnifies exactly what being a Republican today is all about: talking points, contradiction, and insanity. They couldnt possibly have come up with a more representative leader.

  5. No doubt Steele wishes he were there. As do I. With republicans footing the bill!

    • It wouldn’t surprise me at all, if he scouted the venue in advance, just to make sure that the lesbian simulations were GOP family values appropriate, of course.

  6. “The more donors’ contributions the RNC spends depicting homophobic GOP values in lesbian bondage clubs, the less they will have to spend promoting violence against Democrats.”

    Love it!

    I saw my first Republican sponsered, anti-Obama TV commercial today. I was like “Really? They have nothing better to spend that money on?”

  7. Glad I noticed this before you shut the other one down. Steele won’t resign he’s having too much fun spending there money. Besides that he is an idiot and fits right in with them.

    • LOL, Jim. Welcome to the new Politics Plus. I’ve been at your place a few times since the move. ‘Bout time you followed me home, my friend. 🙂

  8. No! I don’t want Michael Steele to resign. He’s too much fun to kick around and he’s too much of a liability for the Republican Party. He’s this year’s James Watt.

  9. I think maybe they want to keep Steele on as a token of a black man with mismanagement issues in an attempt to paint Obama as even worse. As long he’s not a socialist, the lesson would be, Steel can’t be as bad as Obama and his destruction of America.

    At least this is only one crazy rationalization of many.

    At any rate Steele will be gone after a disappointing mid-term election for the Republicans.

  10. TC..We have to stop meeting like this. We are thinking along the same lines…just like a Chinese railroad 🙂

  11. Republicans are probably whispering, “ain’t that just like a N……?” And yes, I too think Palin would be a great replacement for Steele. The GOP deserves her.

    • Tnlib, you’re probably right abuyt the Repuglicans, but Mooseolini wouldn’t take the job. She is making more $$$ in her new gig at the GOP Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.

  12. Wanting to keep an unbiased and informed eye on the subject I volunteer to research the activities of such places. I’ll be more than willing to take donations so I can do my research.

    Steele ain’t going anywhere, while he is a token and a really cool Uncle Tom in a nice suit he knows what it would look like if the republicans cut him loose for anything less that being caught by Chris Hansen on television sneaking into a teenager’s house for sex.

  13. Ah poor Republicans and their( S&M 500?) flesh stock report.

    It was only three years ago that Democrats were peceived, in comedy as extactly being so.

    SNL has since pretty well gone downhill, but it took Kristen Wiig and some brilliant writing to get the show back on speed: Here is Episode 5 from Season 32, and I hope Lorne Michaels doesn’t mind me putting it here. It is pure comical genius.

    A Message from the Speaker-Elect of the U.S. House of Representatives Rep. Nancy Pelosi…

    [ open on Seal of the speaker ]
    Announcer: The following is a message from the Speaker-Elect of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.
    [ dissolve to Nancy Pelosi sitting stern and proper at the desk in her office ]
    [ the audience applauds enthusiastically ]
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi:
    Good evening. I’m Nancy Pelosi. For the past nineteen years, I’ve been a member of Congress in the eighth District of California, proudly representing the citizens of San Francisco.
    As of this January, however, I will, in a sense, represent all Americans, when I am sworn in as speaker of the House.
    [ the audience cheers ]
    Despite the efforts of this administration to frighten Americans about the Democratic Party, and its alleged [ makes quotes signs with her finger ] “San Francisco values”, last Tuesday you went to the polls in record numbers, and you sent this White house a message:
    that “stay the course in Iraq” is not a plan; that our health care system should serve ordinary citizens, not pharmaceutical companies;
    that so-called rough sex can be a necessary and fulfilling adjunct to a better sex life – partiularly when it involves fantasy role-play scenarios, such as kidnapping or forced interrogation, provided, of course, that both participants are willing and disease-free, and have agreed on what we call a “safe word” – for example: “Palomino”;
    that an increase in minimum wage is long overdue; and, finally, that U.S. citizens do not surrender their Constitutional rights, the moment they engage in multiple partner or group sex, provided, once again, that all participants are willing, at least twelve years of age, and no peanuts, or peanut products, are used.
    We Americans have always been a religious people, a member of my staff tells me.
    And whatever you may have heard, the Democratic Party is not anti-religion.
    Whether you’re a Wiccan priestess, a Druid, tantric Buddhist, Servant of Moloch, Lord of Fire, Presbyterian, or a member of the Cult of Collie – your faith will be respected, so long as no animals are harmed during your ceremonies – except, of course, gerbils.
    And when the new Democratic majority Congress convenes in January, it will truly be a Congress as diverse as the nation it serves.
    [ show photo of each individual as she names them ]…They are mostly black.
    Chairing the Judiciary Committee: John Conyers;
    at Ways and Means: Charles Rangel;
    at Homeland Secueity: Benny Thompson;
    at Government Reform: Ernesto Guevara, Jr.;
    and Agriculture: this naked hippie.. and his old lady;
    and Small Business: yet another black dude;
    and Finance: the drummer from Rage Against the Machine;
    and, at Intelligence: al-Qaeda number-two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
    Truly, a Congress that looks like America.
    [ Nancy nervously looks offscreen, as a leather-clad S&M enthusiast enters ]
    What is it?
    Dana: Nancy, uh, you need to okay this. [ hands her a memo ]
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: [ to the audience ] Excuse me. [ turns to her aide ]
    Uh, Dana – I’m kind of in the middle of something.
    Dana: I’ll come back.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: And, Dana, about your outfit – it’s alright now, but, as of Jauary, you might have to go with more of a business look for the office.
    Dana: [ slightly embarrassed ]
    Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: No, no – it’s fine for now, but, you know, but after the transition —
    Dana: Sure. No problem.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: [ glances offscreen ]
    Who’s your friend?
    Dana: Oh, uh, this is my slave – his name is “Filth” —
    [ an S&M bondage slave, with a chokehold covering his mouth, enters the scene ] He’s, uh, a human ash tray.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi:
    Dana, this office is non-smoking.
    Dana: Just pot.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi:
    Oh. Okay! [ extends her hand to “Filth” ] How do you do?
    “Filth”: [ muffled ] It’s a real honor to meet you, Congresswoman. Congratulations on becoming House Speaker, that’s so great!
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: Thank you, I appreciate that.
    “Filth”: [ muffled ] You are great.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi:
    Thank you.
    “Filth”: [ muffled ] You are great.
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: Dana, I’d better get back to this. [ points to the camera ]
    Dana: Oh! Absolutely. Sure. [ drags “Filth” offscreen with him ]
    [ Nancy returns her attention to the camera ]
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi:
    With your votes last Tuesday, you have offered us your trust. I promise you, we will not betray it.
    [ buzzsaw sound effects suddenly blare from offscreen, as Nancy holds a nervous pose in front of the camera ]
    Dana’s Voice: Palomino! Palomino!
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: [ glances offscreen ]
    [ to the camera ] Excuse me, I-I have to take care of something — [ rushes offscreen ]
    Palomino! He’s not breathing! [ runs back onto camera, with a panicked expression on her face ]
    “Live, from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” [ ducks back offscreen ]


    Oh how the Foo is now on the other shoot!

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