Mar 242010

I promised a list of those Democrats non-Republicans who voted against health care reform.  There are two key votes to consider.

Dino The first was HR 3590 – On the Motion to Concur in Senate Amendments – Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

John Adler, Jason Altmire, Mike Arcuri, John Barrow, Marion Berry, Dan Boren, Rick Boucher, Bobby Bright, Ben Chandler, Travis Childers, Lincoln Davis, Artur Davis, Chet Edwards, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Tim Holden, Larry Kissell, Frank Kratovil, Daniel Lipinski, Stephen Lynch, Jim Marshall, Jim Matheson, Mike McIntyre, Michael McMahon, Charles Melancon, Walt Minnick, Glenn Nye, Collin Peterson, Mike Ross, Heath Shuler, Ike Skelton, Zachary Space, John Tanner, Gene Taylor, Harry Teague

BlueDog The second was HR 4872 – On Passage – Reconciliation Act of 2010

John Adler, Jason Altmire, Mike Arcuri, John Barrow, Marion Berry, Dan Boren, Rick Boucher, Bobby Bright, Ben Chandler, Travis Childers, Jim Cooper, Lincoln Davis, Artur Davis, Chet Edwards, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Tim Holden, Larry Kissell, Frank Kratovil, Jim Marshall, Jim Matheson, Mike McIntyre, Michael McMahon, Charles Melancon, Walt Minnick, Glenn Nye, Collin Peterson, Mike Ross, Heath Shuler, Ike Skelton, Zachary Space, John Tanner, Gene Taylor, Harry Teague

These people are unworthy to be called Democrats.  In the hour of greatest need they put their DINO tails between their legs and ran like the cowardly blue dogs they are.  If one is your congressperson call them.  Tell them about your anger and your shame.  Oppose their appointment to key committees.  When they seek funding from the party, oppose it.  Encourage progressives to oppose them in the primary and support any that do.  Do not return them to office, unless the only alternative is voting for a Republican.  They have nothing coming!


  6 Responses to “The Naysayers – They Have Nothing Coming”

  1. You are wrong Tom…they have a well deserved un-employment check coming with an attendant loss of medical benefits. But then we all know they are personally protected now aren’t they.

  2. Luckily, none are in my state. Melissa Bean knows she would have been tossed out of office for this. I say the DNC and the DCCC cuts off their funding. That’ll learn them.

  3. I am glad my representative was not one of these guys, and I plan on voting for Grayson again (he is perhaps the best vote I made last year, apart from Obama)…

    But, I will have to maintain my Republican registration. I am planning on voting in the primaries against the tea party candidate. Hopefully to help cause some divisions should the non-tea party candidate should win…

    • You have Grayson? WOW! I have David Wu, and he’s fine. I would not support crossing party lines to foul up their primary the way they did in ours last year, but since you are still a Republican, why not?

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