Why There Are No Articles

 Posted by at 6:52 am  Personal
Mar 232010

Last night I had to do a sleep study.  I did not announce this before, because the Internet is wide open, and I did not want there to be an announcement that my apartment would be empty.  If I seem paranoid, once I has a break in, while I was away (not here), and the thieves even took my toothbrush and dirty underwear.  In any case, I’m back.  I could only sleep about 2-3 hours, and I was lucky to get that.  Here’s why:

sleep study

sleep study2

This shouldn’t happen to a dawg, huh?  The technician, who took these pictures was a real sweetheart and helped me make the best of a bad situation.  Shannon, if you see this, thank you.

In any case, friends, sleep studies are such tiring work, that I need to go back to bed.  Full service trashing of Teabuggery shall resume tomorrow.

Good night.


  22 Responses to “Why There Are No Articles”

  1. And one needs all the strength one can summon to do battle with Right Wingers. Night-Night!

  2. Nice gown. Needs a matching nightcap tho.

    • It would have ended up stuck to my head from all the adhesive. It took me 20 minutes to wash that crap out of my hair and beard.

  3. How anyone can ‘sleep’ with all that crap on, I’ll never know. I second JR in this one.

  4. Oh man, I feel your pain! I hope you get some much needed rest.

  5. This gives new meaning to the phrase … “Tom is pretty wired”!! LOL

  6. How bizarre, to study someone’s sleep by making it impossible for said person to sleep. Great pics tho!

  7. Oh my word, my Tomcat had to have a sleep study done, but I didn’t get to see a pic. Wow. I don’t know how anyone could sleep after seeing that picture … πŸ™‚

  8. I haven’t slept in years. Years. I was told I needed a sleep study. I had it scheduled for tomorrow then I stopped by here and saw Tom’s pictures. I don’t need a sleep study πŸ™‚

  9. Holy cow.

    TomCat in bondage.

    Some perv may get a kick out of this. πŸ™‚

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