Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

 Posted by at 2:11 am  Holiday
Mar 172010

St Patricks Day

May the good Lord meet ye in heaven a half an hour

before the Divil knows you’re dead.


  10 Responses to “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”

  1. May the good Lord meat ye

    Is that something like what the Holy Spirit did to Mary?

    (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

  2. OOPS :O

    Typo king here… fixed.

  3. And a Happy St. Pat’s to you, TomCat….I’ve got some Irish music and a singing dog at “my place”.

    No….really. I’m serious!

    (And what’s the Good Lord doin’ regarding somebody’s meat? LOL!!!)

  4. TomCat that’s a good Irish name or should that be Tom O’Cat.

  5. And don’t forget, an Irishman is never drunk as long as he can keep from falling off the Earth by clutching a blade of grass. (Not sure if that’s the exact wording; I read that on a placemat a long time ago.)

    Happy St. Pat’s Day.

  6. A belated Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, TomCat! Will be back to read the health care update a little later today…

    Love this saying – I have a whole book of Irish toasts that includes this one!

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