Yesterday I did catch up on comments and visited about half the blogroll. Today I have pulmonary boot camp, so I’ll have to see what’s up when I return.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:36. To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
Yesterday I said that Israel’s approval of more illegal settlements in Palestinian territory was intended to kill the peace process. It did.
John “C Street” Ensign is in more trouble. Previously undisclosed emails have revealed even more attempts on his part to illegally procure lobbying work to pay off his lover’s unhappy husband.
ES&S has been attempting to acquire Diebold and gain control of over 70% of out nations voting machines. DOJ announced they will block parts of the deal on antitrust grounds. This will make election theft more difficult for Republicans.

See Cartoons by Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons – Courtesy of – Email this Cartoon
How is your world?
4 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/11/2010”
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The cartoon is exactly right!
Thanks Ivan. 🙂
Great cartoon. Can’t wait to see what comes out of this Ensign thing. He should have resigned when he had the chance. Now Nevada may get 2 new senators! bwahahaha! If they are bad enough the Repubs will force him to resign; but maybe not – they are an arrogant bunch of bastards. Depends on how it ‘reflects on the party’ ’cause we know they are all about the party – not what’s good for Americans.
Lisa, wouldn’t it be wonderful if neither was a Republican?