Mar 052010

I don’t have to tell you that Republicans are screaming about how reconciliation will destroy American democracy.  While doing my morning research I ran across a link at Daily Kos, reminding me that a picture is worth a thousand words.  The picture is from the Sunlight Foundation.


You are now armed to stand up against this GOP lie.


  3 Responses to “The History of Reconciliation Since 1990”

  1. A picture that is worth a thousand words.

  2. Thanks for this. I hope Americans get it, but I think Republicans will be successful in spinning that Democrats are being dictatorial. Sad what BS Americans have swallowed from the Republicans over the last few decades.

  3. Thank you, Lisa.

    Tom, the sad thing is that the Republicans have such an advantage. Most Democrats are constrained by integrity. Most Republicans are free of restraint, because they have no integrity.

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