Jan 122010

I know I predicted this, but it mush have been in comments.

Fox_News_Nazi A Fox News executive says the network will shortly announce that the former vice-presidential nominee is signing on as a contributor.

Palin, who resigned as governor of Alaska last summer, will appear as a commentator on various Fox shows. She will also host an occasional program that will examine inspirational tales involving ordinary Americans.

Palin will join Mike Huckabee as a Fox contributor who was also involved in the 2008 campaign. The exposure can only help Palin if she decides to pursue a 2012 presidential bid.

At the moment, Palin makes pronouncements mainly through her Facebook page. The Fox connection would give her a platform on the nation’s top-rated cable news channel.

Palin is extremely popular with her conservative base, which has fueled the sales of her best-selling memoir. But she is a divisive political figure who not only draws the ire of liberals but some Republicans, including staffers who deal with her during her run as John McCain’s running mate… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

The plus for Mooseolini is that her ignorance will not be an impediment, as Faux Noise values ideology over accuracy.  The plus for Faux Noise is that they gain nationally prominent political figure, a sex-symbol to the rabid right, and a mind so oblivious that she will gleefully parrot Rupert Murdoch’s lies in the belief that they are true.  Palin could not have found a better fit than the GOP Reichsministry of Propaganda.


  15 Responses to “Mooseolini Finds a Fitting Home”

  1. ratings bring dollars and dollars rule the roost. I changed my diabetes meter just because Accu-Check advertised on Fox.

    Quit spending your money on their advertisers and let them know why you are no longer using their roduct. Beyond that Fox has the same right to spin and twist as MSNBC. And the barely cogent of reality have the right to eat the feces fed them.

  2. It's to laugh….

  3. Mark, yes they have a right, just as I have a right to keep exposing them.

    Amen, Gwen.

  4. Ah, good for the Tundra Twat (I know, that's not nice, but I saw it somewhere else and it's funny, dammit!). She'll be right at home for with the rest of the liars.

  5. LOL, Lisa! I LOVE it!! Sadly, as a guy, I can't use it without appearing sexist.

  6. One People
    One State
    One Leader
    One News Channel…


    How apropos….

  7. Thanks Mike. I've been using that one for years.

  8. My graphic is better πŸ™‚

  9. It's a perfect fit. I expect my many neighbors who watch Fox News exclusively to get exponentially dumber.

  10. All I can say is: "gag me with a spoon."

    Unfortunately, people (like my parents, damn their stupid choices in viewing) will believe whatever shite pours from her mouth.


  11. TC,
    On not wanting to appear sexist using Lisa G's TT nickname, you could call her the Dickhead Diva.

    Lisa-exponentially dumber-ROFL!

  12. TC – I'll give you a pass on the Tundra Twat. I think we all can agree she EARNED that moniker. πŸ™‚

  13. I think I am already experiencing brain hemmorraging from the YouTubes that are going to be coming from her on Faux.
    I never watch Faux, but I will throw this on the pile of reasons to continue to not watch. I think I need a bigger place for the pile… The barn is almost full with this.

  14. otis you may have to rent a storage faciltiy. Would that be a write off ?

  15. JR, your is a good one, as is mine. It's just not new to you.

    Lisa, that's like the Pope getting exponentially more Catholic.

    It surely is, Marva.

    That's good Oso. How about the Dingbat Diva. πŸ™‚

    We certaibly can, Lisa.

    Otis and Oso, it's called BS overload.

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