Dec 182009
Would you like to know where NOT to shop for presents?
Eighty advertisers have reportedly dropped their ads from Glenn Beck’s Fox News program since he called President Obama a "racist" who has a "deep-seated hatred of white people." Here are his December 16 sponsors, in the order they appeared:
- Rosland Capital
- LifeStyle Lift
- The Villages
- Merit Financial
- Precious (film)
- Vermont Teddy Bear Company
- The Jewelry Exchange
- Hydroxatone
- Goldline
- Lifelock
- Americans for Prosperity
- Tax Masters
- Wall Street Journal
- 60 Plus Association
- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
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These are also places NOT to shop for anything else.
2 Responses to “Who’s Still Advertising on Glenn Beck’s Show”
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Thanks for the list!
I hope you're feeling better and full vision has returned. Next time you get those blurry-vision eyedrops you might consider part time work refereeing Raider games.
LOL Oso!! I'd be happy to referee the game this weekend. The Raiders are playing my Broncos. 🙂