Dec 012009

Yesterday I managed to catch up on replying to comments, but that’s about all.  I should do better today.  I took the router in to the computer store, and the tech reconfigured it, because the router company tech rep had told me to reset it to factory specs.  I took it hone and, voila!!  Same problem.    So I went back to digging.  Finally I discovered that the network settings in my computer had been changed when I installed a printer software upgrade.  Argh!!  So, I reconfigured the network settings, reinstalled the printer, and at last, everything works.  Finally!!  So after several hours of research, plus several more hours on the phone with one modem tech rep, one printer tech rep, and two router tech reps, plus a four hour trip to see a computer technician, I ended up fixing it myself.  Scheeeesch!!  Congrats to New Orleans fans!!

Today’s Jig Zone puzzle took me 4:09.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here’s your cartoon:

What are you doing today?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/30/2009”

  1. I hate computers – they suck! Before I met my husband, I would come home from work to play IT director after my boys had messed something up on them. Now, the husband takes care of it!

  2. Really? I love them. They are a window to the world for me.

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