ACORN to Sue US Government

 Posted by at 2:46 am  Politics
Nov 132009

More power to them.

acorn Remember that whole ‘separation of powers’ dealio? Congress writes the laws, and the courts punish those who break ’em. Neat system; worked OK so far.

If Congress passes a law punishing someone for doing something it thinks wrong, it’s usurping the role of the courts, and the Constitution frowns on it! Legislators aren’t empowered to punish wrong-doers, both because the "Founders" appreciated the value of a good trial and because they understood that politicians are often motivated by considerations other than the rule of law (shocking, I know!).

So they prohibited the passage of "bills of attainder" — laws singling out specific groups or individuals for retribution. Which is double-plus good today, when our Congress includes frothing-mad right-wingers shouldering massive grievances and not a few members who are dumb-as-the-proverbial-box-of-rocks.

Speaking of which, you’ll recall that the GOP pushed hard back in September to pass a bill that prohibited any federal funding from going to ACORN, the right-wing bogeyman-of-the-day. Perhaps sensitive to the Constitutional issue, they wrote the law so broadly that it could apply to just about any contractor, and some suggested at the time that in theory it could, if applied consistently, lead to the entire military-industrial-complex being "defunded." Proponents said it passed Constitutional muster because it applied to everyone.

But here’s the thing. If you’re going to thread that Constitutional needle by writing a bill that applies to all contractors — and therefore in theory doesn’t target ACORN specifically — it’s probably best not to title it the Defund ACORN Act. And it’s probably not wise to have a wingnut like Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns introduce the bill by saying: "Somebody has to go after ACORN. Well, I suggest today, on the floor of the Senate, that ‘somebody’ is each and every U.S. Senator."

Just sayin!

Anyway, ACORN is suing. TPM reports:

The complaint, brought on behalf of ACORN by the Center for Constitutional Rights, also mounts a broader push-back against ACORN’s conservative critics. According to a draft version examined by TPMmuckraker, it claims that the law to defund ACORN was passed thanks to "a public relations campaign orchestrated by political forces" that are hostile to its work registering low-income voters. And it charges that ACORN "earned the animosity of political forces who are dedicated to the proposition that the fewer poor people who vote the better."

"It is outrageous to see Congress violating the Constitution for purposes of political grandstanding," said Bill Quigley of the Center for Constitutional Rights. "Congress bowed to FOX News and joined in the scapegoating of an organization that helps average Americans going through hard times to get homes, pay their taxes, and vote. Shame on them."…

Inserted from <Alternet>

From where I sit, it looks like they have an excellent case.

Nov 132009

Why am I not surprised to see hate speech directed at a gay man on Faux Noise?

teapartyexpress Fox News is once more actively promoting the tea party movement, with Gretchen Carlson of Fox & Friends noting enthusiastically on Thursday that "the second national Tea Party Express Tour has covered nearly seven thousand miles!"

Host Steve Doocy then spoke with Tea Party Express co-chair Mark Williams, asking him about "the thousands, and in some cases hundreds, of people who showed up."

"Who was it?" Doocy wanted to know. "Was it Republicans? Was it independents? Was it Democrats?"

"All of the above," Williams replied. "I would ask the Democrats in the crowds if the ‘dancing queen’ Barney Frank really represented them and they would go, ‘No!’"… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

How much do you want to bet that the vast majority of those yelling were not Democrats?  I was amused to learn that the Tea Party sheeple and the birthers are suffering from internal strife.  Here’s Rachel.

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I would love to see these wing nuts staging counter demonstrations at each others’ rallies.  LOL!!

Nov 132009

When I saw this one, my chin bounced off my chest.  You will remember that every single Republican without exception voted for the Stupak-Pitts amendment to the House health care bill, and that that amendment essentially forbids a woman from buying an insurance plan that provides abortion services through the public exchange, even if she gets no subsidy.  Well get a load of this!

GOPfriends Last week, 176 House Republicans joined with 64 Democrats in voting for the so-called Stupak amendment, which could “could effectively stop many employer-provided health insurance plans from covering abortions for tens of millions of Americans” and restrict any private plan in the insurance exchange from offering abortion coverage. However, Politico reports today that the RNC’s own employee health care plan covers elective abortion — “a procedure the party’s own platform calls ‘a fundamental assault on innocent human life’”:

Federal Election Commission Records show the RNC purchases its insurance from Cigna. Two sales agents for the company said that the RNC’s policy covers elective abortion.

Informed of the coverage, RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho told POLITICO that the policy pre-dates the tenure of current RNC Chairman Michael Steele.

“The current policy has been in effect since 1991, and we are taking steps to address the issue,” Gitcho said. […]

According to several Cigna employees, the insurer offers its customers the opportunity to opt out of abortion coverage — and the RNC did not choose to opt out.

Recently it was also revealed that the health insurance plan used by the right-wing, anti-choice organization Focus on the Family also covered “abortion services.” [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

So a woman who works for the RNC can get abortion services through her health care police.  And a woman who works for Focus on the Family, one of the most rabid religious right organizations, can get abortion services.  But these hypocrites are trying to deny the same coverage to millions of women.  Scheeeesch!!

Nov 132009

Today’s GOP Sweetheart is particularly foul.

DON-CARCIERI Gov. Don Carcieri vetoed legislation Tuesday that would give same-sex couples in Rhode Island the same right to plan the funerals of their late partners as married couples.

The socially conservative Republican said the proposed protection represents a "disturbing trend" of the incremental erosion of heterosexual marriage. Rhode Island does not recognize same-sex marriage.

"If the General Assembly believes it would like to address the issue of domestic partnership, it should place the issue on the ballot and let the people of Rhode Island decide," Carcieri said in a letter to lawmakers.

Democrats hold a veto-proof majority in the Legislature and frequently override Carcieri’s objections.

Sen. Rhoda Perry and Rep. David Segal, the bill sponsors, said they would seek to override the veto. They proposed the legislation after one of their constituents was unable to retrieve the body of his late partner from the state medical examiner for weeks because they weren’t married or next-of-kin.

Gay rights supporters were indignant at the veto.

"It is absolutely unconscionable that Gov. Carcieri would step in the middle of people being able to take care of their loved ones at such a sorrowful time," said Kathy Kushnir, executive director of Marriage Equality Rhode Island, which advocates for gay marriage. "Why would he make it more difficult? I just don’t get it."…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Only a true GOP Sweetheart could be so heartless as to interfere with the care of a lost love one to score political points.

Nov 122009

Today’s GOP Sweetheart is the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee.  He loves to compromise our nation’s classified material for political gain.

GOPHypocrites Last night, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow accused Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee and current gubernatorial candidate, of leaking sensitive intelligence information to the press. Hoekstra told the Washington Post this week that Maj. Nidal M. Hasan had e-mail conversations with a radical Yemeni cleric, Anwar al-Aulaqi. Maddow excoriated Hoekstra for letting Aulaqi know that his e-mail is being monitored:

MADDOW: Why is it Pete Hoekstra who’s taking it upon himself to tell the press that this radical cleric is having his email read by U.S. intelligence agencies? The FBI had not said publicly that this cleric had been emailing Hasan. The CIA, the NSA, the White House — nobody else had reported this cleric was e-mailing Hasan. This is just Pete Hoekstra letting us know — and letting the radical cleric who is under surveillance know — that he’s under surveillance…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

This is not a lone incident.  Hoekstra has a long history of compromising US intelligence for political advantage.  Here is Rachel’s coverage on this GOP pig.

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Only a true GOP Sweetheart would commit treason and call it patriotism.

Nov 122009

In a surprise development, President Barack Obama appears to have rejected all the options offered him by his national security team and wants more options before he decides.

afghanistan A senior White House official says U.S. President Barack Obama is calling on his national security team to revise the options for the U.S. war strategy in Afghanistan. 

Mr. Obama asked for the revisions Wednesday during the latest review of his Afghanistan policy.  The official says the president wants his advisors to determine how and when U.S. troops can hand over security responsibility to the government in Kabul.  Administration officials say Mr. Obama wants to make clear to Afghan President Hamid Karzai that the U.S. commitment in Afghanistan is not "open-ended."

The president’s call for revisions comes as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Karl Eikenberry, has expressed serious reservations about sending additional troops to the country.

Officials say Eikenberry sent two classified cables to Washington last week expressing doubts about Mr. Karzai’s leadership.  The Afghan president has been blamed for allowing rampant corruption under his watch.

Eikenberry served as the commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007.  He became ambassador to Afghanistan earlier this year after retiring from the military.

His position puts him in stark opposition to General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, who has requested 40,000 more troops.

The United States already has about 63,000 troops in Afghanistan… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Voice of America>

This is the first good news that Obama might be bucking the the flawed escalation policy of Stanley McChrystal, infamous for his role in the Pat Tillman cover-up.  Let’s hope that he actually wants a viable exit strategy.

Nov 122009

If it’s on Faux Noise, we can depend on Foul and Biased coverage.  In this case, Sean Hannity used video from the 9-12 rally in coverage of the recent GOP “news conference” to make it appear the Bachmann’s debacle attended by more than just a few wing-nuts.

Fox-sheep Fox Opinion News, as America’s Tea Party news room, seemed to be on board with the teabagger mythology that hundreds of thousands of proud pitchforkers attended the 9-12 march in September. And it also seems that they have no problem with the latest iteration of the mythology which claims that Saturday’s astro turfed insane clown posse gathering on the steps of the Capitol brought in 20,000 to 40,000 teabaggers when the actual number seems to be smaller. So it was no suprise that Fox fave and conspiratorialist Congresswomen Michele Bachmann promoted the propaganda while being interviewed on Fox Opinion News. Problem was that the film footage, which purportedly showed vast hordes of pissed off populists, was taken at the September rally which drew far greater numbers than Saturday’s party…

Inserted from <Newshounds>

You can see video of  Jon Stewart calling them on it here.

How can they call themselves a news channel when the intentionally falsify the news?
