Nov 242009

Yesterday I had encountered some network problems.  My wireless stopped working without apparent cause.  After several hours of experimenting and conversations with assorted support techs, I’ve narrowed down the problem to my router.  So I’ll have to invest half a day to take it in. And I only got a couple visits in.

Today’s Jig Zone Puzzle took me 4:54.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

The boys at Red State Update have reviewed Mooseolini’s new book.  Enjoy!


Here’s your cartoon:

Have a great day!  My posts are late, because my ISP went offline.


  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/24/2009”

  1. actually, i find your technical problems to be good news; with all your recent health problems, i was imagining the worst…

  2. Thanks, RJ. Only the good die young. 🙂

  3. i was thinking it might be worse than death; that maybe you were stuck in an ICU someplace with nothing to do but watch the soaps on the TV…

  4. Argh!!! 🙁

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