Nov 142009

Yesterday I stayed tied up in home bookkeeping and getting records squared away to begin my health care coverage on the first.  I’ll try to do some limited visiting today.

Updating a former article, Lou Dobbs will be making a guest appearance on Bill O’Lielly’s show on Faux Noise Monday evening.  Talk about excrement in a matching set!  Will this great aqiring be worth missing Monday Night Football?  Hell no!

Today’s Jig Zone Puzzle took me 4:17.  To do it, Click Here.  How did you do?

Here’s your cartoon:

Anything weird happen yesterday (Friday the 13th)?  have a great weekend.


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/14/2009”

  1. Do I watch Xenophobia Redux, or do I watch my intrepid Clowns get waxed again. Choices, choices. 😉

  2. Randal, I realize that either choice will be painful, but if you choose the former, you may get infested and get the hots for Ann Coulter.

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