Bitch to Dole – STFU

 Posted by at 1:08 am  Politics
Oct 132009

Does Bitch McConnell think that he’s the new Fuehrer of the GOP Reich?  Apparently so!

bitch-mcconnel Bob Dole was told to keep his trap shut by non other than the odious Mitch McConnell, the man who has as an approval rating as low as Dick Cheney’s.

The GOP’s 1996 candidate for president said he was asked by current Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., not to issue a bipartisan statement calling for passage of health care reform legislation.

“We’re already hearing from some high-ranking Republicans that we shouldn’t do that — that’s helping the president,” Dole said. He later specified that the people he referred to included one “very prominent Republican, who happens to be the Republican leader of the Senate,” according to The Kansas City Star. Dole was also quoted as saying that partisanship by his own GOP was behind the delay in reaching agreement on a final health care bill

I don’t expect Dole to suddenly go on the air and rip into his party, but the fact that this much got out says a lot. The republicans have no plan for health care reform so any words that come from older republicans on the hot topic carries a sting to it… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Unbelievable!  Not all Republicans are bad people.  I disagree with many of Bob Dole’s positions, and opposed him when he ran against Clinton in 1996, but I respected his sincerity.  Today’s Republican Reich does not allow free speech within it’s ranks.  They have driven traditional conservatives and moderate conservatives out of public office and almost into extinction.  What’s left is a rabid collection of extremist neocon, theocon, and plutocon ideologues, respectively representing warmongers, the American Taliban, and the richest individuals and corporations.  We the people no longer matter to them.  Until and unless authentic conservatives regain control of the party, every Republican in Office is one Republican too many.

Off topic:  I’ll be replacing our poll tomorrow afternoon, so if you haven’t voted yet, please do so before then.


  12 Responses to “Bitch to Dole – STFU”

  1. I wonder if they will sit back and congratulate themselves when federal troops are sent out to put down the uprising that is building? People are getting angry in their hunger and poverty and because we only explode there will be only force left to contain the rioting.

  2. Ya, Bob Dole seems like a snippett of fresh air wafting up from the right-wing cesspool.

  3. Bob Dole only seems good in comparison to McConnell, Grassley, et al. But then I guess that goes without saying …

  4. Mark, they would love it. They would claim the riots were a result of Obama's failures.

    Welcome Jim. Don't I recognize you from Anjo's? I agree.

    Stimson, you're right. He is still an adversary, but at least he is willing to compromise.

  5. Yupp….Anajo and I go way back….I am think of forming a 'fantasy' chess league. Will keep you informed. 😉

    re:Dole. Nope. I really don't care for him much…. but ANY republican with a hint of honesty, common sense, willing to WORK with the current administration… ANY miniscule amount is welcome. The Dem's have to be careful that they do not start performing like the Repubs.

  6. Anjo and I are playing a game (long version) now. It's my first in over ten years.

  7. TC; After reading your original comment to the article,
    i have nothing to add. that covered it completely. thanks.

  8. Bitch McConnell is just a constipated old goat who outlived his usefulness the moment he was born. What a sponge for special interest money—yeccchhh!!!

  9. JJ; YA, but the [birthers] and the [diary writers] love him.

  10. Great post …

    "What’s left is a rabid collection of extremist neocon, theocon, and plutocon ideologues, respectively representing warmongers, the American Taliban, and the richest individuals and corporations. We the people no longer matter to them."

    I don't think anyone has said what's going on in the USA better than what you wrote here!

  11. They're bailing water as fast as they can…. still, the bildge pumps out and hull is drawing two feet on a six foot dingy of a politic boat. Nautical speak for they are in such trouble with keeping a GOP that anything to keep afloat is the only tactic left.

  12. Thanks, RZ and Dawg. That's high praise.

    Jack, he does that, but Baucus is trying to catch up.

    Gwen, that's a great metaphor. 🙂

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