No doubt we all enjoyed viewing lots of photos from last Saturday’s “March For Our Lives”. So this will be a review for most of those photos – but I thought we should memorialize such a huge event whose impact is still sending ripples across our country.
But there were so many to choose from I decided, that for better or worse, I’d do it as a slideshow to save on “real estate”.
The first slideshow is of the crowd in Washington, DC – clearly the largest one of the over 800 rallies that took place across America.
But DC wasn’t the only site – so here are a few of the other ones.
I should have captioned each one – but it was time-consuming enough just to select, organize and format as slideshows all the photos to begin with.
But to help out, they’re alphabetical. The first one is of Albuquerque – it’s the one with the kids in the front with their backs to the camera all dressed in black t-shirts with their arms around each other.
Colorado Springs ?
Fort Worth
Montpelier, VT
NYC (White angels)
NYC (White angels)
Parkland, FL
Rochester, NY
St. Paul
The last slideshow is of some of the signs I really enjoyed. No doubt everyone has a favorite, so feel free to share it – or a link to it in Comments.
(Because the “Hyperbole, Assholes” one (my favorite!) is quite tall and the photos are centered vertically, it skews the formatting. And it’s a little slower and bigger to help reading them)
There was a Tweet showing huge Los Angeles Crowd in a Video
Turn up #LosAngeles #MarchForOurLives ??
— Nicholas Bianchi (@nbianchi) March 24, 2018
And CNN had a Great Video of Aerials of Lots of Cities
Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t accommodate embedding CNN videos – so I’ll just provide a link to it
7 Responses to “Friday Fun – March For Our Lives”
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In Sonoma, CA, we had a very large turnout of people for the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES in front of the City Hall. Considering that Sonoma has a population 0f 10,00+/-, I estimated the crowd to have been 800+/-. I was very pleased with the turn out. Other people were there in support of EARTH DAY as well. lol.
As for the posters as viewed in the article, I didn’t have a favorite. I did, however, found them to be quite creative in their wordings.
Thanks for the Friday Fun Show.
Timely and well done, Nameless. Thank you!
Cross posted to Care2 HERE –
Beautifully done, Nameless. You got almost all of my favorite signs, including my ABSOLUTE favorite (How I would have loved to be that little old lady in the wheelchair … but I and my wheelchair were otherwhere.) The only one I might add is “The only thing that should be fired in a school is Betsy DeVos.”
Got to agree with you … almost. (Still going with the “Hyperbole, Assholes”)
But the Betsy DeVos one has gotten SO much coverage I decided to hold off.
(Maybe we’ll pique their interest, if they haven’t seen it, by NOT posting it.)
Excellent, excellent!! post! Nameless
Austin was packed, the numbers I heard was at or around 20K for the rally.
My favorite is, ‘We are the Ones We’ve been waiting for.”
*Joanne: Most teachers agree with the poster that you mentioned in your comment about DeVos. I’ve asked a few of my galpals about how they feel about her, and they either give me a pained eye roll, a cuss word or the middle finger. About her, not to me. lol.
Awesome post, and Thank you, Nameless,
and to Joanne for cross-posting.
A march well remembered; 1.2 million mainly young people united for a common cause. That should lift anyone’s spirit. Unless you are right-wing ammosexual of course.
Thank you for spending the little time you have to make this splendid overview, Nameless. I loved all of the signs you picked for your slide show.