Yesterday I had heard the sounds of demonstrators throughout the city. As I was dozing off to sleep, I was awakened by loud demonstration sounds, and they were almost under me. I could see the demonstrators from my window. Several chants rang out. "Hands up! Don’t shoot!" "Black Lives Matter!" "My body! My Choice!" "I’m Queer! I’m Here!" "Pussy grabs back!" "Not My President!" The leaders shouted into megaphones that violence and vandalism would not be tolerated. Police loudspeakers ordered the demonstrators to disperse. Instead, they sat down. Then things got ugly.
A third consecutive day of anti-Trump demonstrations turned violent Thursday night, as protesters began with a rush-hour march and chanting but eventually damaged cars at a dealership and rampaged through the Pearl District shattering business windows into Friday morning.
Police declared the demonstration a "riot" more than three hours after its 5 p.m. start, citing "extensive criminal and dangerous behavior." The bureau said it warned the crowd about the designation, then tweeted that rioting is a class C felony. It later tweeted that 26 were arrested in the demonstration, which lasted into early Friday morning.
Officers in riot gear on numerous occasions used flash-bang grenades and fired rubber pepper ball spheres at the crowd after it refused repeated demands to disperse. Police report officers were "taking projectiles;" protesters were seen throwing objects toward officers, and some fired fireworks in their direction.
The officers didn’t move in until after a small fraction of the thousands of protesters became destructive.
Police tweeted that many demonstrators were "trying to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property" and that "anarchists" were refusing to do so. Demonstrators at many points chanted "peaceful protest."
From <The Oregonian>
Here’s the problem, as I see it. The people who were vandalizing and assaulting people were not the protestors. I saw Republican onlookers wade into the demonstrators and attacking them. I read that one Republican got out of a car on the Morrison Bridge and shot a demonstrator. However, the police attacked the peaceful demonstrators. I saw CS gas being used. I’ve never seen flash bangs before, and they are very loud and very bright. They were going off dangerously close to the demonstrators. Police used a sonic cannon very close to me. The sound was so intense, that I had to hold my hands over my ears, and I had a severe headache for hours afterwards.
In spite of the abuse of power against them, the demonstrators are now raising money to help repair the damage they did not do. I am thoroughly proud of them.
As for the vandals and violent people, they belong with the Republican Party. There is no place for them among progressives, if they are going to act like Republicans.
14 Responses to “Atop an Anti Trump Rally”
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WOW. All over America too. It's been peaceful and quiet in Austin today, I guess because of the UT game.
Watched Michael Moore (live feed), at the Trump Tower a while ago, talking and chillin' with the people. He was still there when I got finally disconnected, but I gotta love who he is, and what he stands for!!!!
Attended a Veteran's parade, and a late lunch in town today. Everyone got along. 😉
Take good care, rest, and Thanks, Tom.
Well, you didn't set out to be a participant. But, in Los Angeles, an anti-Trump demonstration was held just by an immigration detention prison, and at least some of the detainees did voluntarily jump in – by flickering flashlights and reading lights on and off inside their cells, which was seen through the windows. The unincarcerated demonstrators recognized their actions. It does show there is more than one way to be heard, doesn't it?
Rioting and violence belong to Drumpf, not to progressives. While some rioting was done by people not protesting, as you witnessed, TomCat, and violence sometimes was provoked by others, as soon as protesters cross the line and riot or fight, they've crossed into Drumpf territory. It is very difficult to stay high while those around you go so low, but those who were there in the protest marches in the 60's can tell you it is possible, even in the face of aversive police actions. Good luck, protesters everywhere.
Few know that better than TC – he was there. (I was just following and praying from home.)
Thank you both. In all my years of activism I only lost it once. In Chicago 1968 at the Democratic National Convention, I was standing nex to a young girl, who offered a flower to one of Daley's pigs. He split her head open with his night stick. I took it away from him and tore into him, until they dragged me away unconscious. Otherwise, I have a perfect record of nonviolence.
While I admire those who were legitimate protestors, I feel disdain for those who chose to riot. And, in the end, it is hopeless. We all know the electoral college will vote him in, regardless of the fact that Hillary won the popular vote. While the Republicans are severely criticizing the protestors we should all remember that if they had lost, there probably would have been blood shed, not just broken windows.
Nobody excpects to prevent Trump from being elected. The purpose is to express opposition.
People wanted change but Drumpf is not change. He lied, used fear tactics and he won the votes needed for the electoral college. But he did not win the popular vote. People have a right and a duty to fight injustice but not with violence or destruction. I agree with Edie that had Democrats won the electoral college votes needed, likely the Drumpfolytes would have been violent. The Drumpfolytes won and there still is vilence etc against minorities. The election has been a travesty of justice.
God bless all decent and peaceful people – like you TC – and all of us! These do seem dreadful times.
Thank you all! Pooped Hugs!
To spin off Lynn's comment, this election has been a travesty of justice, and reason.
My fear, should the protests, with which I fully agree, continue for a while, is that the conservatives will use them as an excuse to shut down as much free speech as they can. They will claim subversion, treason, probably link the protests to the International Jewish Conspiracy, to Castro, to Martians, to any of the Star Treck enemies of humanity.
That's a real – and really sad – possibility
But I say F\/CK 'EM!
Me? I'm wearing my Safety Pin and I'm ready to rumble!
… Oh, did I forget to say "F\/CK 'EM"? If so, I meant to!
Yeah. My kids are getting in to the rallies against Drumphenstien. They are in large cities and joining the LGBT RIGHTS protests. I have family and friends that are member of the LGBT community and I would be out there protesting with them if I could! The changes that could come about if Pence gets his hands on any of the policymaking in regards to that part of the stew that is Drumpf's policies will be astronomically DISASTROUS! I can only hope that they don't pass the laws that were passed in Indiana! Surely they won't do that! Just upsetting beyond ALL understanding!
Thanks for the heads up on this, TC! Have a good one!