Are You Ready for Some Neocons?

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Nov 302011

As the popularity of Newt Gingrich grows, it’s critically important that we understand that Newt is a Neocon, just how dangerous Neocons are, and what kind of foreign policy we could expect from Newt.  Those of you who have been active long enough to remember PNAC, know what I’m talking about here.  For starters, lets look at Newt’s foreign policy advisors.

30NEOCONSWhen it comes to foreign policy, the Republican frontrunner likes it old-school. Neo-old school.

We’ve had two foreign policy themed debates in the GOP primary now, which have provided ample opportunity to see what a Republican foreign policy would look like in 2013. And in the case of Newt Gingrich, it would probably look like a kind of neocon fantasy land.

Foreign Policy published an excellent rundown of Gingrich’s foreign policy advising team, most of whom “have known Newt for decades, and see themselves as helping a candidate who already boasts a long track record and well-formed intellectual identity when it comes to foreign policy.”

Here’s a taste of World Team Gingrich:

David Wurmser: Gingrich’s Middle East policy adviser was a notorious member of Vice President Cheney’s inner circle that pushed the U.S. into war in Iraq. Once he was questioned during an espionage probe while in the vice president’s office, and he was one of the names driving the initial support for the later disgraced Ahmed Chalabi. Asked by the Daily Telegraph in 2007 if he was a neocon, he offered this: “There’s nothing ‘neo’ about me. I’m a very medieval sort of guy.”

James Woosley: A former director of the CIA, Woolsey recently spoke at a panel hosted by the founder of Judicial Watch focused on President Obama’s “political jihad promoting Islam around the world.” Woolsey is a serious Iran hawk, warning that the way the West is dealing with the nation at the moment “rhymes with what was taking place in the 1930s [with Nazi Germany]”. Woolsey is a Democrat (of the Lieberman school) but he’s helped Republicans running for president before. In 2008, he advised John McCain.

Stephen Yates: Another ex-Cheney national security team member, Yates is known among other things for his work on China. One former U.S. ambassador to China familiar with Yates says he views “China as the solution to ‘enemy deprivation syndrome.’” As Counterpunch explained the theory, “You need some unifying enemy after the collapse of the Soviet Union.” Not exactly the most productive way to view one of America’s most important trading partner, perhaps… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <TPM>

Quite a rogues gallery, aren’t they?  From the Neocon perspective, war is the solution to all foreign policy problems.  You man not be aware that the Neocons in charge during the Bush Regime intended to attack and conquer seven different nations after Afghanistan.  Here is a clip from October 2007, in which General Wesley Clark lists these countries and explains how he came to know about this Republican scheme.

Clark is a military man, and certainly no bleeding heart, making his testimony exceptionally credible.  Here they are again: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

The other six attacks never happened, because Republican incompetency turned Afghanistan and Iraq into quagmires. But the Neocons have not changed their stripes.  If Newt becomes President, this will be our foreign policy in addition to a new cold war.

Nov 302011

When something is so bad that Progressives and the Tea Party oppose it cooperatively for the same reasons, you should realize your dealing with a disaster.  SOPA (the House version) and PIPA meet that description.  I’m proud that Oregon’s own Ron Wyden is leading the charge against it and ask you to join him.  Here’s an explanation of the act, Ron Wyden interviewed by Keith Olbermann, and four petitions you can sign to take action.

30Protect-IP-ActIn a matter of days, the United States Senate may be voting on an extremely dangerous bill backed by the entertainment industry that would allow powerful media conglomerates and other big corporations to censor the Internet at will.

This bill, S. 968, which we’ve previously written about, is officially known as the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 – PROTECT IP, or PIPA, for short.

Ostensibly, S. 698 is intended to protect “intellectual property”, as the title suggests. Executives at Hollywood studios, publishing houses, and record companies have long wanted to “cableize” the Internet, because it would give them control over the medium. They want to be able to decide when and how everyone timeshifts or spaceshifts content, and to what extent (if any) content may be shared with others.

(Timeshifting refers to the practice of recording programming for use later, or playing and reading on demand. Spaceshifting refers to the practice of making digital copies of content – for instance, ripping a compact disc and putting the resulting MP3 or Vorbis tracks on one’s portable music player).

If big media gets their way and the Internet gets cableized, it will cease to exist as we know it today. Net neutrality will be a thing of the past. Censorship will replace freedom of expression. Innovation will be stifled.

And netroots-powered organizations like NPI, which use the Internet to organize and mobilize for change, will no longer be able to exist.

This legislation is a grave threat to the Internet. It absolutely must be stopped.

That is why we’re so thankful that two courageous U.S. Senators from the great Pacific Northwest – Ron Wyden of Oregon and Maria Cantwell of Washington – have stepped up to lead the fight against it.

Ron Wyden has pledged to lead a filibuster against the legislation in the Senate if it reaches the floor in December – as we expect it to. (It’s already made it through the Judiciary Committee). Wyden is prepared to go to the mat to defend the Internet, and three other senators have agreed to stand with him: Maria Cantwell of Washington, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Jerry Moran of Kansas… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Northwest Progressive Institute>

I support measures to stop Internet piracy.  I agree that companies have a right to receive just compensation for their intellectual property.  However, this measure is way too extreme.  If I were to to criticize a criminal corporation,they could file a complaint and have Politics Plus shut down.  Here’s Oregon’s Ron Wyden with Keith Olbermann,

And here are four petitions you can sign.

Demand Progress

Wired for Change

If you sign the last one, Ron Wyden will read your name on the Senate Floor during his filibuster.

Thank you for your help.


Newt and the Minority Elite

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 302011

The latest Republican flavor, Newt Gingrich has his perspectives somewhat skewed.  He seems to think that Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians are the majority and that minorities are the elite.  Lets examine the extent of his hypocrisy, as he accuses the left of dividing America.

NeuterNewtThink Progress has posted a video of Newt Gingrich calling on President Obama to "repudiate the concept of the 99 and the 1," saying it is "un-American [and] divisive" and promising that, if he is elected, he will be "president of all the American people, not part of the American people, and I will seek to unify the American people, not to divide them against each other."

Yes, of course … because Gingrich would never seek to divide Americans and pit the majority against the minority.

So obviously his remarks at the recent "One Nation Under God" event [Theocons delinked] where he told Religious Right activists that they are the majority in the country who must stand up and take this nation back from the anti-Christian "minority elite" who are ruining it was actually a message designed to "unify the American people"…

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video.

There’s no doubt here.  Newt, liar and hypocrite that he is, is projecting his own faults onto the majority.

Nov 302011

Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed.  I guess all that hauling laundry up and down the stairs kicked my butt, because I’m pretty down today.  I’m current with replies.  Today I have errands to run.

Jig Zone:

Today it took me 3:08 (average 4:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

TomCat Teabag Trashers

Playing without a helmet



hugos renegades

Progressive Underdogs




Texans Will Rise Again












Team Name







1 (1)

Progressive Underdogs







2 (2)








3 (3)

Playing without a helmet







4 (4)

TomCat Teabag Trashers







5 (5)

hugos renegades







6 (6)

Texans Will Rise Again







Being in 4th p[lace with the second highest score is frustrating.

Short Takes:

From San Francisco Chronicle: Herman Cain told senior aides he is reassessing his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination following allegations yesterday that he had a 13-year extramarital affair with an Atlanta woman.

That didn’t last long.  It’s back to 999!

From Reuters: The top United Nations human rights forum is expected to condemn Syria for crimes against humanity at an emergency session on Friday, European and Arab diplomats said.

The move is also designed to put pressure on China and Russia to take a stronger stand against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, they said.

The US should support this, but China and Russia are sure to compare US support for Israel.

From Raw Story: A gun club in Scottsdale, Arizona is staging a unique fundraiser this year: taking photos of children posing with Santa Clause, and machine guns.

The idea is to use the images on Christmas cards, and the Scottsdale Gun Club says the whole family is invited to say cheese while holding high powered weapons of war.

Scottsdale is the Phoenix suburb, where upper crust Republicans live.  These people are insane!



Nov 292011

Republicans keep saying that Democrats want to raise YOUR taxes.  When Democrats proposed taxing corporate jets, Republicans said that’s raising YOUR taxes.  When Democrats proposed ending the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, for the top 2% only, Republicans claimed that’s raising YOUR taxes.  Ending tax breaks for Big Oil? According to Republicans, that’s raising YOUR taxes too.  But the truth is that, since Obama took office, Democrats have proposed no increases and several cuts in YOUR taxes.  Which party is fighting to raise YOUR* taxes? It’s the Republican Party, of course.

*Assumes that YOU are not a millionaire, billionaire or corporate criminal.

29payroll_taxSenate Democrats are pressing ahead on President Barack Obama’s plan to cut in half every worker’s payroll taxes next year — paid for by a 3.25 percent tax surcharge on the very wealthy.

The $248 billion plan would trim Social Security payroll taxes from 6.2 percent to 3.1 percent in hopes of propping up the still-weak economy. It also would cut in half the 6.2 percent tax paid by employers on the first $5 million of their payroll.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says Democrats will hold a test vote on the plan later this week.

A 2 percent payroll tax holiday enacted a year ago expires on Dec. 31 and it tops the agenda in the waning days of this congressional term.

Republicans are likely to oppose the plan because it would post a permanent surcharge on income exceeding $1 million… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Boston Globe>

I’m dropping my former objection to this cut, because paying for it means that it will not diminish Social Security funds.  It’s also good for small businesses.

Rachel Maddow explains Republican opposition with former Journalist Bob Herbert.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Republicans don’t want a middle class tax cut.  They govern exclusively for the benefit of millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.  They fight to cut THEIR taxes.  They fight to raise YOUR taxes.


Halfway Point in Fitzwalkerstan

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Politics
Nov 292011

There’s good news for the beleaguered residents of the Plutocratic Corporate Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin.  After only 13 days patriots in that imprisoned region have gathered over half the signatures they need trigger a recall election to oust Koch sucker extraordinaire, Scott Walker!

GOPWiscFlagOrganizers of the effort to recall Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker from office said Monday they have collected 300,000 signatures, more than half of what is needed to force an election.

The United Wisconsin coalition needs 540,208 signatures by Jan. 17 to force a recall election sometime in 2012. They reported Monday that over half the number needed had been collected in just 12 days, with signatures coming in from all 72 Wisconsin counties.

The recall drive was motivated by anger over Walker’s proposal effectively ending collective bargaining rights for most public workers. The law passed in March despite massive protests and the fleeing of all 14 Democratic state senators to Illinois for three weeks… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Ed Schultz has the story with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair, Mike Tate.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

No wonder the people of Fitzwalkerstan want Wisconsin back!

Nov 292011

I will be the first to admit that gerrymandering is not an exclusively Republican demesne, but it cannot be denied that Republicans are the masters at using it to disenfranchise minority voters, since several Republican dominated states are under court order, because their redistricting plans were racist by design.  Now Rick Perry and Texas Republicans are bent out of shape, because the redistricting plan done by the District Court (and a conservative one at that), may give Democrats the four new House seats Texas gets because of population growth.

29TexGOPThe U.S. Supreme Court was asked Monday to intervene in a partisan political dispute from Texas and to block the use of a new, judge-drawn map of its congressional districts that could cost Republicans four or more seats in the House of Representatives.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry urged the high court to act quickly to set aside the map drawn by federal judges and instead to allow the Lone Star State to elect its House members under a map drawn by the Republican-controlled Legislature. Perry’s appeal denounced the judges’ map as a “runaway plan that imposes an extreme redistricting scheme” on Texas.

Because of a population surge, Texas is due four more seats in the House, giving it a total of 36 representatives. But it is unclear whether its congressional delegation will be elected in 2012 in districts devised by the GOP or instead under the judge-drawn map. Political experts say the judges’ map gives Democrats a good chance of winning three or more extra seats in Congress.

The state’s attorneys asked the justices to rule soon on its emergency appeal. They said candidates for Congress must file to run between today and Dec. 15, and they need to know where their districts will be located.

The legal dispute concerns the Voting Rights Act and its provisions requiring that minorities have a reasonable chance to elect candidates of their choice… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <LA Times>

On the surface, it seems unfair that all the new seats in a right leaning state should go to Democrats, until you know the rest of the story.

Latino voters, especially in the West, tend to vote for Democrats, due to Republican racism.  The increase in Texas’ Latino population in this census is actually a bit higher that the increase in Texas’ total population.  Therefore it is only natural that the seats occasioned by Latino population growth should give Latino voters, and therefore Democrats an edge.  Conversely the Republican plan gives all four new seats to Republicans.  Absorbing all those Latino voters into Republican districts took a prodigious gerrymandering effort by the GOP.

Of course the fear here is that five fascist SCROTUS Injustices will ignore the Constitution again.

Nov 292011

Yesterday I was feeling pretty poorly and spent most of the day in bed, but I had a network glitch that took about two hours to restore, and I caught up my email backlog.  I’m also doing laundry as I write and post.  I hate laundry!! I’m current with replies.  Today I’ll be out doing errands,if I can.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 6:03 (average 7:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP/Google: Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback apologized Monday for his office’s response to a disparaging Twitter post by a high school senior who was attending a school function at the state Capitol.

"My staff overreacted to this tweet, and for that I apologize," Brownback said in a Monday statement emailed to The Associated Press. "Freedom of speech is among our most treasured freedoms."

Horse feathers! The lying ideologue saw the public outcry and is blaming his staff.  I do not believe they went after her in school without getting an OK from him.

From CBS: Citing the political challenges he faced because of congressional redistricting, prominent Democratic Rep. Barney Frank on Monday announced he will not seek re-election in 2012.

"I don’t want to be torn [between] a full-fledged campaign… and my obligation to my current constituents," Frank said from the Newton, Massachusetts City Hall.

His district is substantially changed.  Since he was planning to retire in 2014 anyway, I think he wants to avoid the hard campaigning it will take to familiarize his new constituents.  He broke ground as the first openly gay Representative in the US House.

From The Daily Beast: Americans can learn more about foreign policy from The Real Housewives of New Jersey than from Republican presidential hopefuls. At least the shrieks of the housewives speak to reality. The Republican wolves howl about a mostly bygone world of dire military threats, a world inhabited by global ghosts to be thwarted by waterboarding and wars. Most of them just don’t see that the old right-wing rhetorical bromides that once scared Americans and dominated campaigning won’t win future elections.

Republicans could only play the fear card so many times before Americans start to remember that they are the ones who let Osama get away and that 9/11 would not have happened without their total incompetence.


