Sep 262010

There is a crisis approaching in the Middle East peace talks that could derail the entire process.  On the surface, it’s the refusal of Israel to stop building settlements in territory both sides agreed would be Palestinian in the Oslo Accords, but it’s much more complex than that.

26settlements American, Israeli and Palestinian officials were engaged in "intensive" efforts on Saturday to find a compromise on a settlement moratorium whose impending expiration could doom nascent peace talks, officials said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered an envoy visiting the U.S. to extend his stay "specifically to deal with this issue," an Israeli official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Israeli media reports said Defense Minister Ehud Barak was also in the United States to help efforts to prevent the peace negotiations from collapsing just a month after they started.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly said he will quit the talks if the Israelis refuse to extend a 10-month freeze on settlement building in the occupied West Bank that expires at midnight on Sunday. Israel has rejected the demand.

Speaking at the United Nations in New York on Saturday, Abbas did not specifically refer to the imminent expiry of the freeze, but made clear that Israel would have to cease its settlement building if the negotiations were to succeed.

Piling pressure on Netanyahu, President Barack Obama called publicly on him to extend the partial building moratorium in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday.

Netanyahu’s pro-settler dominated governing coalition objects to extending the freeze and the prime minister has ruled out any extension, arguing that no other Israeli leader has been forced to halt building work during previous peace talks.

But he will not want to be blamed by Washington if the talks fail so soon after their launch and must also satisfy Israeli public support for further peace negotiations…

Inserted from <Reuters>

It’s easy to blame the whole thing on Israel, but there is blame to shared here.  First, Abbas has no right to represent himself as the leader of the Palestinians.  His Fatah party lost the election to Hamas.  There has been no election since that included all the Palestinian people.  Hamas, could recognize Israel’s existence, but refuses because, if they do, Iran will stop funneling them aid through Hezbollah.  Iran wants the conflict to continue, because it keeps the US from concentrating their attention on Iran.  And the US refuses to recognize Hamas even though Bush sponsored the elections Hamas won.  Returning to Israel, they do not want to honor the Oslo accords.  They would prefer to build their way to a one-state solution.  Palestinians do not want to live as an Israeli minority.

Can you blame them?

To achieve peace in the Middle East, two things mist happen.  First, there must be peace talks that include all three parties: Fatah, Hamas and Israel.  Second, the US must make it clear to Israel that US military aid will cease unless they negotiate in good faith following the Oslo Accords.


Teabuggery Cancelled

 Posted by at 2:21 am  Politics
Sep 262010

If you were looking forward to laughing at the participants of National Tea Party Unity Conference, I have bad news for you.  Without Republican astro-turfers to pay their expenses, the Teabaggers don’t want to go.

teabaggerbigot The Tea Party is off.

At least, the National Tea Party Unity Convention that was being planned for mid-October in Las Vegas is off. It was supposed to be a repeat of the convention in Nashville last February, which drew 600 “delegates” (and almost as many reporters) and an adoring audience for Sarah Palin, the keynote speaker.

Sponsored by Tea Party Nation [Teabaggers delinked], a social networking site, the convention was supposed to emphasize Tea Party groups working together — a contrast to the convention in tea-partier1 February, which was plagued by infighting among groups, with sponsors and speakers dropping out right up until its opening hours. Organizers chose Las Vegas not least because it is the center of the Senate race that Tea Party activists would most dearly love to win: Sharron Angle, a Republican supported by Tea Party groups, is challenging Harry Reid, the leader of the Democratic majority.

teabag-obscene Barbee Kinnison, a Tea Party activist in Las Vegas who had been helping organize the convention, sent an e-mail to supporters saying that it was with “deep sorrow” that she had to announce “the convention is just not going to happen.”

Tea Party Nation still draws scorn from some other Tea Party groups, which have raised eyebrows at asking people to spend more than $200 to attend a convention, so it was not clear what this said about the strength of the movement. Tea Party Patriots, a large umbrella for about 2,700 local Tea Party groups nationwide, had criticized the media attention on the convention in February, saying it was not a real representation of Tea Party activism.

But Ms. Kinnison said in her e-mail that “the various large ‘other’ Tea Party organizations have slid in their participations and donations across the country, and their events are free.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

The money is the key.  Whenever I want to attend a progressive or Democratic convention, or even a convention pertaining to my volunteer work, if I can’t pay, I can’t go.  Sadly, no lobbyists, criminal corporations or millionaires will step up to pay my way.  Tea Party Nation is the only Teabagger group that is not astro-turfed, and this just goes to show that whatever real grass roots Teabuggery may have had, they are burned out now.  What’s left is the insaniTEA wing of the Republican Party.

Sep 262010

So, you ask, what is Pulpit Freedom Sunday?  It’s a special day for hypocritical Republican pastors to demonstrate their patriotism by breaking US law and to demonstrate their faith by openly endorsing Republican and Republican candidates with anti-Christian agendas from the pulpit.

Hypocrite In a fashion right out of the annals of right wind [sic] demagoguery, September 26th, 2010 brings us the third installment of "Pulpit Freedom Sunday."

Brought to us by the Alliance Defense Fund [pseudo-Christians delinked] as a challenge to IRS rules not allowing specific endorsements of political candidates from the pulpit. Churches can, and do, pass out flyers that are very partisan, "voter guides" that are nothing more than right wing propaganda, and take positions on legislation and initiatives.

The Mormon Church was the single biggest funding source for California’s Proposition 8, for example. The IRS law gets them get away with so much, but of course it’s not enough for the right wing mouthpieces wanting to dominate all areas of American life.

The blow hards would have you believe they are being censored. Not true, they are free to say whatever they want. The IRS regulation only restricts them from endorsing candidates if they wish to keep their tax-exempt status.

IRS regulations specify that 501(c)(3) organizations, which include churches and other religious organizations, are prohibited from “[participating in or intervening in]…any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” Rev. Rul. 2007-41, 2007-25 I.R.B.

It’s not the right to speak the ADF is looking to ensure, but the "right" to do it essentially on the tax payer dime. For if they were labeled in accordance with their political activity, their tax duty would change.

Billions of dollars of potential tax revenue are lost every year to churches choosing to abuse the privilege… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Portland Examiner>

As the Treasurer of a small non-profit public service group, I do not endorse candidates during activities for that organization, because we are 501(c)(3) pending.  That’s the law, and vecause of my volunteer work, I know a few things about it.

No organization is subject to the ban on endorsements, unless they voluntarily apply for 501(c)(3) status and voluntarily agree to abide by the laws pertaining to that status.  Nobody twisted their arms.  Nobody is discriminating against them or violating their rights.  If they do not wish to keep their own commitment, they may freely withdraw at any time and do as they please, but without a tax exemption.

When they lie under the false cover of faith, they should be relegated to Infernal Revenue, because Internal Revenue is too good for these Republican hypocrites.

Sep 262010

Yesterday I caught up on comments, returned visits, and visited over half of our blogroll.  It feels quite strange to be ahead of the game.  I also wrote a recommendation for parole for a man, who I recruited in 1998, while I was still a prisoner, to facilitate a self-help program I had written.  His hearing is next month, and I am hopeful, because I watched him learn and change over the years.  Back to blog matters, today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, so I’ll be spending the day in NFL meditation. 😉

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:48.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From News Hounds: On Friday (9/24/10), the long-time head of CNN was ousted and replaced by Ken Jautz, the head of CNN’s sister channel, HLN. But considering Jautz’ history – he’s the man who brought Glenn Beck to television and described him as "self-deprecating, cordial… not confrontational" – the appointment does not bode well for the future of cable news.

I think I’m going to throw up.

From TPM: Short on friends and low on funds, Colorado Republican gubernatorial nominee Dan Maes has resorted to name-calling. In a radio interview on KHOW yesterday, he called third-party candidate and infamous immigration fear-monger Tom Tancredo an "illegal immigrant" in the gubernatorial race.

I love it when Republican bigots won’t share the sand-box  with each other.

From Daily Kos: A week from today, hundreds of thousands of Americans will join each other in Washington, D.C., in a demonstration organized by One Nation Working Together to renew the effort to build a movement, a grassroots movement, that is not dependent solely on supporting a political party to obtain its goals, but that also recognizes the need to elect effective progressive leaders at every level of government.

I fully support this idea and wish the event were here.

Cartoon: from


Ahmadinejad is what happens when the Republican Tea Party takes over a nation.

Sep 252010

In their Pledge to America, Republicans pledged to make government more transparent.  Are they telling the truth, or is this just one more in the long list of Republican lies to America.  The proof is in the voting, so lets take a look.

CNP-MNS Despite promises of Senate Democrats to amend their signature campaign disclosure legislation, a unified Republican caucus today again blocked the legislation from an up-or-down vote in Congress’ upper chamber.

Republicans stuck together to oppose the DISCLOSE Act, a legislative response to the Supreme Court’s January ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which opened the door for unrestricted sums of corporate and union treasury money to fund political advertisements. A unified Democratic caucus supported the legislation, voting 59-39 on a procedural vote that needed 60 votes to pass.

Republicans successfully filibustered the DISCLOSE Act in July as well, after the House narrowly passed the bill in June.

The bill’s main focus is new reporting and disclosure requirements for groups that run independent expenditures, such as television ads that overtly advocate for or against federal candidates, and electioneering communications — that is, broadcast communications that feature a federal candidate but don’t expressly advocate for that candidate’s election or defeat.

New restrictions would apply to corporations, unions, trade associations, so-called 527 groups and 501(c)(4), (c)(5) and (c)(6) advocacy organizations.

One provision would require groups to show the names of the top donors in the advertisements and have the head of the organization or the group’s largest contributor "stand by the ad" — giving the same, familiar disclaimer that candidates must include in their advertisements: "My name is so-and-so, and I approve this message."

Additionally, the bill would prohibit companies from producing independent expenditures if they met certain criteria. These include bailout recipients with outstanding loans from the government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), large government contractors and foreign-controlled companies… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

One day after making the pledge, Republicans had already violated it,  They don’t want you to know who is financing them, because if you do, you also know just who it is that they represent.  Fortunately for us, Rachel Maddow did the research and blew the lid off their lies with Chris Hayes.

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The bottom line is what I’ve been saying all week, and I hope you start saying it with me.  With all their flaws, at least Democrats try to represent everyone.  Republicans govern exclusively for the benefit of criminal corporations and the richest one percent.

Of course, the best solution is to institute 100% public financing of all federal campaigns.  Why?

Corporations are NOT people! Money is NOT speech!
Sep 252010

It appears than Nancy Pelosi may change her mind and force votes on Obama’s tax cut for the people and the Republican tax cut for the rich.  It would be criminally negligent for her not to do so, because it identifies just who Republicans represent.  And if any try to game the system by voting against tax cuts for the rich, the insaniTEA wing of the party will Teabugger them.

GOPgreed The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said Friday that Democrats in her chamber may still force a vote next week on the expiring Bush-era tax cuts, even though their counterparts in the Senate have decided not to bring the issue to the floor until after the November elections.

A decision to force such a vote could put a fiery finish on the brief fall Congressional session, and test the resolve of the House Republican leader, John A. Boehner of Ohio, who has said he would support a bill to extend only some of the tax cuts if Democrats gave him no other choice.

President Obama and Democratic leaders would like to make the lower Bush-era tax rates permanent for couples earning up to $250,000 a year and individuals earning up to $200,000, but allow the tax breaks to expire on income above those amounts for wealthier Americans. Republicans, including Mr. Boehner, and also some Democrats, have said that the lower rates should be extended for everyone, at least temporarily.

Some Democrats expressed surprise that Ms. Pelosi was still contemplating a vote after the Senate decided on Thursday to postpone action.

But Democrats who are lobbying for a vote say it could draw a stark contrast between the two parties by highlighting the potential willingness of Republicans to block tax relief for most Americans while insisting tax breaks for the rich… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Of course, Republicans justify their position with the same old tired lies Bush was telling in 2000.  They say cutting taxes for the rich will stimulate jobs and invigorate the economy.  Fortunately Keith Olbermann just aired a well-timed interview with David Cay Johnston exposing the actual effects if the last Bush/Republican tax cut for the rich.

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So now we have the details with which to debunk the Republican lies.  Frankly, it shocked even me that 12.5% (1/8) of the money went to the richest 0.1% (1/10 of 1%).

If a few cowardly Bush Dogs are afraid, so what?  Can we allow Bush Dog tails to wag the whole party?

Sep 252010

The more we see of Chris Dudley, the NBA benchwarmer now running to become Oregon’s Governor, the easier it becomes to see that he’s no different from other Republicans.

DudleyWrong …Those damned waitresses, expecting to get money on top of the $8.50 an hour they’re bilking employers for. This is coming from an NBA pro, who evaded Oregon taxes when he was playing for the Trail Blazers in the first half of the 1990s by "moving" to Washington State, even though he continued to live in his house in Oregon. He played the system well, though, keeping his car registered in Oregon and avoiding the high auto licensing tax in Washington. Chump change for an NBA starter [he was a sub], but illustrative of his political beliefs.

That includes a pledge to cut the capital gains tax from a top rate of 11 percent to 3 percent, further eroding already stretched to the limits state budgets. Given that his current job is as as financial adviser to the wealthy, including fellow NBA pros, this pledge isn’t too surprising. But it’s bad for Oregon. A new ad from the SEIU explains how.


"Dudley specializes in helping the very wealthy avoid taxes, so it’s no surprise that Chris Dudley’s plan for governor hands over $800 million in tax breaks for the wealthiest few."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

This clearly demonstrates that Dudley Do Wrong would goven for the exclusive benefit of criminal corporations and the richest 1%.  That’s what makes him a Republican.

Sep 252010

Yesterday I surprised myself.  I actually caught up on replying to comments and returning visits.  I see no problem with keeping up to date today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:51.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Lefty Bloggers Plus:

Players, don’t forget to set your lineups for tomorrow’s games.

Short Takes:

From Huffington Post: A federal judge ruled Friday that a decorated flight nurse discharged from the Air Force for being gay should be given her job back as soon as possible in the latest legal setback to the military’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy.

Tick-tock-tick-tock.  The clock is running out.

From Americans United: The “Rock the Fort” event at Fort Bragg this weekend targets both military personnel and adults and children in the surrounding community for conversion to Christianity. This clearly violates the separation of church and state, attorneys with Americans United informed Army officials in a letter today.

As an American, I support the Constitutional ban on government attempts to establish religion of any kind.  As an authentic Christian, I am particularly offended by forcing this perverted Supply-side pseudo-Christianity on out troops.

From me: Stephen Colbert on immigration

This is the funniest thing I have seen in Congress since Fredo’s “don’t recall” testimony.

Cartoon: from


How’s your weekend?
