Mar 242025

I have never done a “Republicans on Parade” post before, and I may never do one again. But, as y’all know, I’ve been in a computer-induced(technogenic?) time crunch , and when I saw this article at Wonkette, I thought “this dude really deserves one – and with all the other – um – stuff going on, he’s not getting much attention.” Also, it’s Wonkette, and while not every one of their emails includes this line, many of them do:

” All Wonkette posts are free and public. Share with a friend!”

So here goes:

To Catch A MAGA Predator: Somehow The Justin Eichorn Saga Keeps Getting Worse

He’s certainly got some kind of derangement syndrome.


New facts have been released in the case of Justin Eichorn, the (now former) MAGA Minnesota lawmaker who spent this past Monday introducing a bill in the state Senate to make “Trump Derangement Syndrome” an “official” mental illness and then getting arrested for solicitation with what he thought was a 17-year-old girl but was actually an undercover cop … and it does not look good for him.

Content note: This guy is disgusting and his (alleged!) actions are too.

According to the police report, Eichorn responded to an online ad posted by cops on websites frequently utilized by both adult sex workers and juvenile sex trafficking victims.

“[C]um $pend time with me,” the ad read, “Age: 18. I am: A woman. I see: Men only. Hi I’m [fictitious name] ready to plz I do both and incall only [covert law enforcement telephone number] City: Minneapolis, MN Name: [name] Location: Bloomington.”

“Hey [fictitious name] I saw your post and [sic] chance you are still available tonight?” Eichorn messaged the undercover cop, later asking, “What’s a guy gota (sic) do to get with the hottest girl online tonight.”

Eichorn messaged the UC again the next day asking if she was available, and when she said she was, he wrote “Awesome where ya at and what’s your rates.”

That same day (March 12), he messaged her “Qv or hhr how old are you.” The UC responded: “kinda nervous 2 say,” and then (purportedly) revealed, a few texts later, “im 17 sry don’t want u 2 b mad.”

He was, apparently, not mad. According to the notes on the police report, “QV” means “quick visit” or about 15 minutes, which I can’t imagine is lingo that people who have never done this before are aware of.

On March 13, after she had told him she was 17, Eichorn asked the UC again how old she was, and after she told him, messaged her, “Ok will ya send me a naught (sic) pic of you to show me your (sic) real?” and after she sent him a picture of a clothed woman with cleavage, asked her “Got anything with lot less clothes?” because why not ask the underage girl you want to pay for sex for some child pornography?

On March 17 (the day he introduced his Trump Derangement Syndrome bill) after asking her more questions about her rates and what she offered for them, he inquired about her age again.

UC: A lil younger than my ad….is that ok? I just wanna have fun and no drama babe Suspect: Sure I don’t know what your ad says cuz I don’t have it up anymore but as long as your legal age I am fine
UC: I am 17…like I said don’t want any drama but wanna be upfront cause one guy got hella mad at me
Suspect: Why was he so mad? I think age of consent is 17 when do ya turn 18 ?
UC: Idk lol he was a creep anyway. I don’t turn 18 till December
Suspect: It’s says age of consent is 16 …… over 18 is in a position of authority over you like a teacher or friends parent.

Gee, you’d think that, as a state senator, Eichorn would have been aware of, or at least been able to look up, Minnesota statute 609.324, which reads:

(c) Whoever intentionally does any of the following may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or to payment of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both:

(1) engages in prostitution with an individual under the age of 18 years but at least 16 years;

(2) hires or offers or agrees to hire an individual under the age of 18 years but at least 16 years to engage in sexual penetration or sexual contact; or

(3) hires or offers or agrees to hire an individual who the actor reasonably believes to be under the age of 18 years but at least 16 years to engage in sexual penetration or sexual contact.

So not only was he aware that the UC was underage, he literally tried to convince her that it was perfectly fine for her, as a person under the age of 18, to have sex with him for money — which it definitely is not. (I personally believe that sex work should be legalized for consenting adults over the age of 18, but this is not that.)

On that same day, he also asked her how much it would be for “bare,” which does feel pretty significant given his opposition to legal abortion and his belief that “life begins at conception” — suggesting that, were she to get pregnant from the encounter, he would very much like to be able to force the 17-year-old girl he illegally paid for sex to give birth to his child.

According to the police report:

Around this point in the communications, law enforcement provided the Suspect with the address where the law enforcement operation was set to occur. The Suspect asked for a verification photo, writing, “Ok how about a pic in just your bra and underwear holding up 2 fingers.” In my training and experience, this kind of request is common amongst persons soliciting commercial sex in order to provide themselves with a sense of surety that the person they are planning to meet with is a real person of approximately the age and appearance of the person from whom they intend to purchase sex.

It was at that point that the UC gave Eichorn a map of where she was going to be and were he should park — and he went right there. Except, as we now know, he didn’t meet a 17-year-old girl, he met a bunch of cops. A search of his vehicle found “two Apple iPhones, an unopened Trojan brand condom in the driver side door, $105 cash in the driver side door handle, and $24 cash in the center console.”

“Every Sunday night during session,” Eichorn said in a campaign ad, “I say goodbye to my wife and kids and make the three hour trek to St. Paul, to fight for our way of life. Because day after day, it is under attack from metro liberals.”

You know, I think he might be right on that one, given what his “way of life” has turned out to be.

UPDATE: This post has been updated to note that Eichorn has resigned. He is expected to appear in court today, probably (if my rigorous studies of Dateline are any indicator) to explain that he actually just wanted to check in on the 17-year-old to make sure she was okay.


I have linked (in the headline) to the Wonkette article, and have reproduced all the links in the text.  I wasn’t able to pick up the 33-second campaign ad, but I can verify that the transcript of it is accurate.

Please consider this today’s open thread and feel free to comment on anything at all.

Mar 232025

Yesterday, the radio opera was a double bill of Ravel’s “L’enfant et les sortilèges” (on the one hundredth anniversary, to the day, of its premier) and Poulanc’s “Les Mamelles de Tirésias.” The former “is the story of a rude child who is reprimanded by the objects in his room, which he has been destroying. After being scolded by his mother in the beginning of the opera, the child throws a tantrum, destroying the room around him and harming the animals nearby. He is then surprised to find that the unhappy objects in his room come to life.” (Wikikpedia) The latter is absurdist, in the literary sense, which was written and performed right after the first World War. It takes off on the idea of Tiresias having been “the only human ever to have experienced being a man and also being a woman” (without surgery – since Tiresias was a mythical character dating from about 1000 BCE). Its premise is to convince French people to be as fertile as possible in order to replenish the population losses of the Great War. It has a plot, but that plot is so absurd I’m not going there.  Off to see Virgil now – will check back in in a comment.

Yes, I’m having to go to sites like Good New Network to find anything calm enough for Sundays. And, while current, this story harks back to history – not just the obvious WWII history, but back to the Middle Ages. Take that, “Monument Men.”

Colorado Public Radio  often has good news, but I’m behind (surprise, surprise!) on reading their newsletters. I found this story from Grist by searching sites which specialize in finding good news – a particular site which additionally specializes in finding happy stories written by proven, experienced, real journalists. It’s about what locals are doing to speed recovery from the devastating wildfires in California so recently.

Mar 222025

Yesterday, I realized I hadn’t received a response to my email to reserve my visit to Virgil, so I looked up the phone number and called. They had not received the email, but made the reservation from my call. So I need to find what the bug is there and correct it. I guess I just didn’t have enough to do [sarcasm]. I also paid some bills and verified that I had already paid some others. And I set up a few days posts in advance – so if anything exciting happens over the weekend you’ll have to wait a bit to hear my take on it.

A no-paywall link from The Guardian on a story you may have heard about – the actress disappeared for two weeks by ICE – but here it’s told by her personally. Along with at least parts of stories from other women she encountered during her ordeal.

This is from Robert Reich from Thursday – but it’s still in plenty of time for anyone who wants to to get involved. So if anyone is looking for some good trouble, here’s one possibility.

Mar 212025

Yesterday, I hid a boatload of fonts and downloaded a couple of my favorites. I already discovered on the previous computer that not only are the English fonts that come with Windows 10 all alike and equally boring, but that, with all the non-English fonts displaying, it takes forever to find the right font for the project (if it’s even there.) I had been coping by constructing memes on the 8.1 and either bringing them to the 10 on a flash drive, or just uploading them to PP from the 8.1 and searching for them if they had been pushed down from the top. I don’t have all the fonts I will want yet, but i have a good start, and I need to be choosy, since paint can only show so many before sending me to font jail.

This from Wonkette was posted Wednesday. And there’s a lot in it. Now that the Clementine Caligula figures he’s not accountable to anyone, I don’t know how much it will really do to slow him down. But at least there are people with some authority who are trying.

Harry Litman has more to say about Justice Roberts’s social media post. He makes the implications of it pellucidly clear. I agree that the Roberts who made that post is the Roberts we need. But it’s not enough.

Mar 202025

Yesterday, The new (to me) PC is here now and I was able to get it connected to everything and running much faster then I’ll be able to get everything organized on it. But it’s looking a lot more feasible. And I did find out my games are going to work now, except for the ones which depended on Adobe Flash (Sadly, there’s no workaround for that – I asked about that some time ago, and instead of a workaround they gave me a free game coupon to get something else.) Oh, and happy Spring Equinox to those who celebrate.

Jim Stewartson has a background in entertainment, including videogames. When he realized that technology he had helped develop was being used in far-right propaganda and psyops, he founded the organization Antifascist USUA to help deprogram victims. So, though not academically trained in psyops, he has been on the frontlines for a while. I am taking this seriously. This link is to his own website, but he is also on Substack now.

Robert Hubbell has retired from lawyering, but he doesn’t appear to have forgotten much. The post is from this week, but before John Roberts released his social media post about impeachment, with which Hubbell clearly disagrees, at least in part. (Off topic, but as I was typing I typoed “media: as “mefia.” And it occurred to me that all that needs is an “a” in the second position to be all too accurate.)

Mar 192025

Yesterday, still slogging along. I did look for an image of St. Joseph, since March 19 is his day, but they were all too – TBH – white. Then I remembered that March 19th is also the day that the swallow (theoretically – it’s really just a legend) return to San Juan Capistrano mission after a winter in South America. As legends go, this one is pretty benign. So I thought I’d refer to it and maybe make up a little for having missed Pi Day.

Clearly none of this has anything to do with actual DEI, the point of which is to prevent us all from being limited to dealing exclusively with stupid white people. The point of these efforts is to erase history and convince people of the clearly false belief that white people are better than anyone else (and also that men are better than women, also clearly false.) I hope to heaven no one tells any of these dodos (apology to actual dodos) about the USS Doris Miller. (And yes, the Mount Suribachi photo is a target also.)

I always have difficulty reading The Root – I click to the page and maybe manage to read a paragraph and then it whites out (I think it’s my browser – I can read it in edge, I just hate edge.) I expect we all know what happened, including law enforcement though they are not admitting it, and likely no one will be held accountable. Someone commented that the Mango Monster and Dork Vader have taken us back 80 years in two months. I disagree. It’s more like 85 to 90 years. 80 years ago we were about to celebrate VE day in a couple of months and no one here was admitting to being a Nazi, or at least not in public.

Mar 182025

Yesterday, the day was as close to the time from sunrise to sunset (and vice versa) both being exactly 12 hours as we are going to get here.  Worldwide, that doesn’t happen until the 20th (this year).  I kept working on preparing to move to a different PC. It’s still slow, but I’m still making progress. Thanks for bearing with me.

This Talking Points Memo is from yesterday, and, at the time of posting, I’m not sure why I am not hearing a whole lot more and louder screaming about it. I haven’t read all my mail yet – maybe it’s there and I haven’t seen it – I haven’t read all the legal newsletters. But it feels like “In [the United States] today such things happen every minute.” (Later – I still haven’t read everything, but it’s clear that sane lawyers are pretty much in a state of shock. Well, I am too.)

I’m unhappy with Schumer too, and so is the F* News. And the graph in the post speaks for itself so plainly that I don’t know how anyone could miss the message. But I also recognize that he (like any caucus leader) is between a rock and a hard place. I don’t blame anyone who’s angry with him – I truly get that – but I would say be careful what you wish for. (If you want to know who I do blame, frankly, it’s all those Democrats who talked Joe into dropping out of the race in 2024. That was what ultimately put misogyny into play. And at or near the top of the list of people hurt by it is Kamala.)

Mar 172025

Yesterday, I hadn’t heard from Trinette, so I called her, and she’s fine – and out of state at a family gathering of some kind. And she sounds good. She has the same kind of post-nasal drip cough from allergies that I chronically have, which is annoying, but not dangerous (and by the ime of day I called, it would be gone for the day, and it was, for both of us). She was going to call or email, but with traveling (she drove) and all, time just got away from her. I’m just relieved to know she’s alive and well.

As Wonkette says, “[Y]ou can’t negotiate with bullies.” You also cannot appease them. If you try, they will simply take you for a sucker, and easy mark, and demand more and more. Columbia apparently is entering the FO stage of FAFO – and make no mistake, appeasement and attempted appeasement count as FA. Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

I would hope that this, as reported by Joyce Vance, would lead to any not-already-purged prosecutors resigning in protest. If there are any such. On the other hand, their loss would be incalculable. I don’t really know what to hope for. Other than impeachment – and that’s a whole nother can of worms. Really other than “Didn’t anyone besides me and holocaust survivors see this coming?” I don’t know what to say.

Belle setups

Cat & chicks+
